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Tid: Tisdag 1 september 2015 kl 15:00 - 17:00 2015-09-01T15:00:00 2015-09-01T17:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2015 interak15

Aktivitet: Föreläsning

Studentgrupper: THCIM_2, TIVNM_HCID_2

Detaljer (TimeEdit): Egen sal


We will start by forming the groups (3-4 per group, not 5) so that each group has a project to work with over the course. Groups will then quickly set up a blog and put the link up on the course wiki.

The main part of the lecture will be about looking at inspirational examples and discuss those.

Groupwork until Monday will be to conduct a study related to the course theme.

Homework until Friday is to have a look at the "Taking things a part" paper and to bring some spare electronic device, possibly according to the course theme or otherwise "mysterious" to disassemble, reverse engineer and reverse design. Note: it will most likely break in the process so don't bring something you are too attached to. Tip: Have a look at the nearest recycling station for discarded but functional electronic devices.

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 11 mars 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 30 april 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015

We will start by forming the groups (3-4 per group, not 5) so that each group has a project to work with over the course. Groups will then quickly set up a blog and put the link up on the course wiki.¶

The main part of the lecture will be about looking at inspirational examples and discuss those.¶

Homework until Friday is to have a look at the "Taking things a part" paper and to bring some spare device, possibly themed or "mysterious" to disassemble, reverse engineer and reverse design. Note: it will most likely break in the process so don't bring something you are too attached to.¶

Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015

We will start by forming the groups (3-4 per group, not 5) so that each group has a project to work with over the course. Groups will then quickly set up a blog and put the link up on the course wiki.

The main part of the lecture will be about looking at inspirational examples and discuss those.

Homework until Friday is to have a look at the "Taking things a part" paper and to bring some spare electronic device, possibly according to the course themed or otherwise "mysterious" to disassemble, reverse engineer and reverse design. Note: it will most likely break in the process so don't bring something you are too attached to. Tip: Have a look at the nearest recycling station for discarded but functional electronic devices.

Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015

We will start by forming the groups (3-4 per group, not 5) so that each group has a project to work with over the course. Groups will then quickly set up a blog and put the link up on the course wiki.

The main part of the lecture will be about looking at inspirational examples and discuss those.

Groupwork until Monday will be to conduct a study related to the course theme.¶

Homework until Friday is to have a look at the "Taking things a part" paper and to bring some spare electronic device, possibly according to the course theme or otherwise "mysterious" to disassemble, reverse engineer and reverse design. Note: it will most likely break in the process so don't bring something you are too attached to. Tip: Have a look at the nearest recycling station for discarded but functional electronic devices.

Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 28 augusti 2015

We will start by forming the groups (3-4 per group, not 5) so that each group has a project to work with over the course. Groups will then quickly set up a blog and put the link up on the course wiki.

The main part of the lecture will be about looking at inspirational examples and discuss those.

Groupwork until Monday will be to conduct a study related to the course theme.

Homework until Friday is to have a look at the  "Taking things a part" paper and to bring some spare electronic device, possibly according to the course theme or otherwise "mysterious" to disassemble, reverse engineer and reverse design. Note: it will most likely break in the process so don't bring something you are too attached to. Tip: Have a look at the nearest recycling station for discarded but functional electronic devices.

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2015-08-28 13:04

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.