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Vecka 36 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 31 aug 10:00-12:00 Föreläsning
HT 2015 interak15
Anmärkning: Egen sal

Introduction, admin, course plan, examination details. In the second part of the lecture we will present this years theme and provide concepts to choose from for the group projects.

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Tis 1 sep 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
HT 2015 interak15
Anmärkning: Egen sal

We will start by forming the groups (3-4 per group, not 5) so that each group has a project to work with over the course. Groups will then quickly set up a blog and put the link up on the course wiki.

The main part of the lecture will be about looking at inspirational examples and discuss those.

Groupwork until Monday will be to conduct a study related to the course theme.

Homework until Friday is to have a look at the "Taking things a part" paper and to bring some spare electronic device, possibly according to the course theme or otherwise "mysterious" to disassemble, reverse engineer and reverse design. Note: it will most likely break in the process so don't bring something you are too attached to. Tip: Have a look at the nearest recycling station for discarded but functional electronic devices.

Ons 2 sep 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
HT 2015 interak15
Anmärkning: Egen sal

First Theory Seminar - Introduction to Tangible Interaction

Fre 4 sep 08:00-10:00 Laboration
HT 2015 interak15

Morning Hack Session! We will start by shortly discussing the paper and then in the project groups take apart the devices that you brought. We will finish off this Lab by a discussion about the process.

Homework until Tuesday is to read the second paper entitled "The ubiquitous button".

Vecka 37 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 7 sep 10:00-12:00 Föreläsning
HT 2015 interak15
Anmärkning: Egen sal

Brainstorm and ideation session, workshop in class.

Preparations - Groupwork to be done before this session is the field study:

Go to a playground where parents hang out with their toddlers. Introduce yourself and your project, ask parents what their children like to do. Observe the play. Take notes. Go to toy store (online and physical), identify toys for this age group - what are their characteristics? What aspects of physical interaction design would you say are the most important to consider when designing for this particular age group? What about toddlers is most important for you to keep in mind in regards to your specific design task? Get to the bottom of the question - how do young kids play? Pay attention to details. Write about the results on the Blog.

Tis 8 sep 15:00-17:00 Seminarium
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: E33

Reading Seminar - "The ubiquitous button" by Lars-Erik Janlert. We will read from and discuss the paper and its implications. Second half of the session we will get hands on with LittleBits. If we have enough time we will start setting up for Phidgets.


Ons 9 sep 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: D32

Second Theory Seminar: Touching Networking

To read before the seminar: Radical Atoms: Beyond Tangible Bits, Toward Transformable Materials

Fre 11 sep 08:00-10:00 Laboration
HT 2015 interak15

Second Morning Hack Session! After a short introduction we will play with and get even more hands-on with Phidgets.

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Vecka 38 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 14 sep 10:00-12:00 Föreläsning
HT 2015 interak15
Anmärkning: Egen sal

Crit 2: Interaction Sketches and Storyboards session, workshop in class.

Tis 15 sep 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: E36

Working with physical materials reading seminar. The paper to read before seminar is Leather as a material for crafting interactive and physical artifacts

Ons 16 sep 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning - Verkonika Domova, ABB
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: D42
Fre 18 sep 08:00-10:00 Laboration
HT 2015 interak15

Third Morning Hack! We will focus on making physical mockups in the lab, getting hands on with materials, laser cutter, (3D printers), foam, hairy fabrics, wood, metal, etc

Vecka 39 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 21 sep 10:00-12:00 Crit
HT 2015 interak15

Crit 3: Physical Mockups

Preparations: (homework done before this session): Making physical mockups. Get materials to start thinking with your hands. Modelling clay, wood, cardboard, styrofoam, textiles, existing toys, gadgets, old furniture… whatever that you find and that may be used to test out the physical shape of the envisioned design. This should be done together as a group, but it is fine to try out several variations in parallel, or iteratively, that you can compare and discuss.

In class: present your mockup(s) and your most important design choices so far in terms of interaction and physical form. What aspects of this mockup do you think you will you keep for the final design, and what aspects do you plan to change/refine? What technology do you plan to use?

Tis 22 sep 15:00-17:00 Guest Lecture/Laboration
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: D41

Seminar and Workshop on Actuators, Sensors, Arduino, Raspberry PI and serial communication. Paper to read before lecture is Gears of our childhood: constructionist toolkits, robotics, and physical computing, past and future

Ons 23 sep 15:00-17:00 Extra Lab!
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: V33

Since we are deep into the platform work and just had some exciting new hardware delivered we will focus on that. We will be in the usual MID-room and not V33!

Fre 25 sep 08:00-10:00 Laboration
HT 2015 interak15

Fourth Morning Hack Session! Making the hardware "platform" and continued hacking with the Arduino

Vecka 40 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 28 sep 10:00-12:00 Seminar
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: D32

Guest Lecture: Petra Sundström, Sr Project Manager, Connectivity Hub, Husqvarna Group

To read either before or after lecture: Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material (Will be discussed in the following week)

Tis 29 sep 15:00-17:00 Crit
HT 2015 interak15

Crit 4: Deadline - Presenting a working platform: Show that basic functionality works, i.e. if it uses 3 RFID readers and three buttons, 10 LED’s and sound it’s enough to show that it works with one button, one RFID, one LED and Sound.

Ons 30 sep 15:00-17:00 Seminar
HT 2015 interak15

Guest Lecture with Vincent Lewandowski: Criticizing IoT

Preparation: Have a look at a video: https://vimeo.com/123897798

Fre 2 okt 08:00-10:00 Laboration
HT 2015 interak15

Fifth Morning Hack Session! Finalizing the Prototype.

Vecka 41 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 5 okt 10:00-12:00 Crit
HT 2015 interak15

Crit 5: A fully working prototype: Testing the design with users

Tis 6 okt 15:00-17:00 Laboration
HT 2015 interak15
Ons 7 okt 15:00-17:00 Seminar
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: Q33

Guest Lecture - Pranav Kosuri from Shortcut Labs

Fre 9 okt 08:00-10:00 Laboration
HT 2015 interak15

Sixth and Final Morning Hack Session! What it means to be "Demo Ready"

Vecka 42 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 13 okt 15:00-17:00 Group Presentations
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: V11

Class Group Presentations: Present Video and Instructable.

Ons 14 okt 15:00-17:00 Group Presentations
HT 2015 interak15
Plats: K51

Class Group Presentations: Present Video and Instructable.

Vecka 44 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 26 okt 14:00-19:00 Public Exhibition / Redovisning
HT 2015 interak15
Anmärkning: Slutredovisning/examination