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Final presentation

Tid: Torsdag 11 december 2014 kl 13:00 - 16:00 2014-12-11T13:00:00 2014-12-11T16:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2014 kid14

Aktivitet: Examination

Studentgrupper: THCIM_2, TIEMM_DKIA_2

Detaljer (TimeEdit): 13-16.30, Innovationsplatsen, Huddinge Sjukhus


We'’ll be at Innovationsplatsen for both the presentation and the exhibition. Be there well before the start time so everything is set up and working. Please invite whoever you think would benefit from attending!

The presentation

Feel free to focus on whichever strong points your project have; either the results, the process or both. Don’t feel you have to present everything, you decide what to present and which is the most efficient way to present it. Use the opportunity to refer to both the exhibition and the report for further details. The report, of course, should be the most comprehensive and complete deliverable. A presentation is, in essence, a realtime broadcast where you can see people’'s reactions and adapt (to some extent). You have 20 mins to totally amaze us. Make use of that opportunity. Put on a show for us. You’'re the experts on your projects and its results. Be confident and convincing.

The exhibition

There will be a table, you pretty much need to bring the rest. This is a face-to-face opportunity for you to interact with the persons with a special interest in your particular project. Be prepared to, basically, answer any type of question. Expect people to be interested. They want to know the details. They want to know more. They also want to try things. This is where the hands-on demo should typically be available. Prepare it so it shows both the need and the usefulness. Use many visuals, tables, films, flow charts, etc etc. Whatever gives a deep understanding of the project and adds to your credibility. And, again, for further details you can always refer to the upcoming report.


Innovationsplatsen, room C1:77 on floor 7. Commuter train to Flemingsberg. Pass Södertörns högskola. Go through the main entrance. Find the elevator and go to floor 7.


13.00 Välkommen (Björn & Kicki)

13.15 Tema 2: Heart Failure

13.35 Switch

13.40 Tema 1: Business Case

14.00 Utställning/fika (fokus på 1 & 2)

14.15 Tema 5: Endoscopy

14.35 Switch

14.40 Tema 6: NIVA

15.00 Utställning/fika (fokus på 5 & 6)

15.15 Tema 3: Neurology

15.35 Switch

15.40 Tema 4: ERCP

16.00 Utställning/fika (alla)

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 27 mars 2014

ändrade rättigheterna 15 maj 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Schemahandläggare redigerade 10 november 2014

Schemahandläggare redigerade 12 november 2014

Schemahandläggare redigerade 9 december 2014

Tiorsdag 13 januari1 december 20154 kl 0913:00 - 136:00

Q13, Q21

13-16.30, Innovationsplatsen, Huddinge Sjukhus

Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 9 december 2014

ExaminFinal presentation

We'’ll be at Innovationsplatsen for both the presentation and the exhibition. Be there well before the start time so everything is set up and working. Please invite whoever you think would benefit from attending!¶

The presentation¶

Feel free to focus on whichever strong points your project have; either the results, the process or both. Don’t feel you have to present everything, you decide what to present and which is the most efficient way to present it. Use the opportunity to refer to both the exhibition and the report for further details. The report, of course, should be the most comprehensive and complete deliverable. A presentation is, in essence, a realtime broadcast where you can see people’'s reactions and adapt (to some extent). You have 20 mins to totally amaze us. Make use of that opportunity. Put on a show for us. You’'re the experts on your projects and its results. Be confident and convincing.¶

The exhibition¶

There will be a table, you pretty much need to bring the rest. This is a face-to-face opportunity for you to interact with the persons with a special interest in your particular project. Be prepared to, basically, answer any type of question. Expect people to be interested. They want to know the details. They want to know more. They also want to try things. This is where the hands-on demo should typically be available. Prepare it so it shows both the need and the usefulness. Use many visuals, tables, films, flow charts, etc etc. Whatever gives a deep understanding of the project and adds to your credibility. And, again, for further details you can always refer to the upcoming report.¶


Innovationsplatsen, room C1:77 on floor 7. Commuter train to Flemingsberg. Pass Södertörns högskola. Go through the main entrance. Find the elevator and go to floor 7.¶


13.00 Välkommen (Björn & Kicki)¶

13.15 Tema 2: Heart Failure¶

13.35 Switch¶

13.40 Tema 1: Business Case¶

14.00 Utställning/fika (fokus på 1 & 2)¶

14.15 Tema 5: Endoscopy¶

14.35 Switch¶

14.40 Tema 6: NIVA¶

15.00 Utställning/fika (fokus på 5 & 6)¶

15.15 Tema 3: Neurology¶

15.35 Switch¶

15.40 Tema 4: ERCP¶

16.00 Utställning/fika (alla)¶

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2014-12-09 11:17

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.