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Lecture 3

Time: Friday 5 September 2014 at 10:00 - 12:00 2014-09-05T10:00:00 2014-09-05T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2014 hallmed14

Location: D2

Activity: Workshop

Teachers: Elina Eriksson () , Daniel Pargman ()



Climate change and planetary boundaries

Lecturer: Elina Eriksson

Content: This lecture concerns climate change and planetary boundaries. We will go through the natural science background to climate change; the carbon cycle, green house gas emissions and the effect on life on earth if the global mean temperature increases. Furthermore we will also touch upon other important planetary boundaries such as biodiversity, freshwater use and biogeochemical flow boundaries.

About: Elina Eriksson is working as a researcher at Green Leap and at the Center for Sustainable Communications (CESC) at KTH. Her research interest has been in change issues, and user-centred design. However, on a personal level, the survival of the human race and her children in particular has pushed her into climate-sustainability-zombie anxiety, something she tries to harness in research.


Steffen, W., Richardson, K., Rockström, J., Cornell, S.E., Fetzer, I., Bennett, E.M., Biggs, R., Carpenter, S.R., de Vries, W., and de Wit, C.A. Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science, 347, 6223 (2015), 1259855.

Steffen, W., Crutzen, P.J., and McNeill, J.R.: The Anthropocene: are humans now overwhelming the great forces of nature. Ambio. 36, 8, 614-621 (2007)

Scheduling staff created event 3 April 2014

changed the permissions 15 May 2014

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Scheduling staff edited 16 June 2014

Onsdag 3 september 2014 kl 1509:00 - 172:00


Scheduling staff edited 16 June 2014

OnsFredag 35 september 2014 kl 109:00 - 12:00


Assistant Elina Eriksson edited 28 August 2014

WorkshopLecture 3

Climate change and planetary boundaries Lecturer: Elina Eriksson Content: This lecture concerns climate change and planetary boundaries. We will go through the natural science background to climate change; the carbon cycle, green house gas emissions and the effect on life on earth if the global mean temperature increases. Furthermore we will also touch upon other important planetary boundaries such as biodiversity, freshwater use and biogeochemical flow boundaries.¶

About: Elina Eriksson is working as a researcher at Green Leap and at the Center for Sustainable Communications (CESC) at KTH. Her research interest has been in change issues, and user-centred design. However, on a personal level, the survival of the human race and her children in particular has pushed her into climate-sustainability-zombie anxiety, something she tries to harness in research.¶


Rockström, J., Steffen, W., Noone, K., Persson, Å., Chapin, F.S., Lambin, E.F., Lenton, T.M., Scheffer, M., Folke, C., and Schellnhuber, H.J.: A safe operating space for humanity. Nature. 461, 7263, 472-475 (2009)¶

Steffen, W., Crutzen, P.J., and McNeill, J.R.: The Anthropocene: are humans now overwhelming the great forces of nature. Ambio. 36, 8, 614-621 (2007)¶

Assistant Elina Eriksson edited 27 August 2015

Climate change and planetary boundaries Lecturer: Elina Eriksson Content: This lecture concerns climate change and planetary boundaries. We will go through the natural science background to climate change; the carbon cycle, green house gas emissions and the effect on life on earth if the global mean temperature increases. Furthermore we will also touch upon other important planetary boundaries such as biodiversity, freshwater use and biogeochemical flow boundaries.

About: Elina Eriksson is working as a researcher at Green Leap and at the Center for Sustainable Communications (CESC) at KTH. Her research interest has been in change issues, and user-centred design. However, on a personal level, the survival of the human race and her children in particular has pushed her into climate-sustainability-zombie anxiety, something she tries to harness in research.


Rockström, J., Steffen, W., NoRichardsone, K., PerssonRockström, ÅJ., Chapin, F.S., Lambin, E.Fornell, S.E., Fetzer, I., LBentonnett, TE.M., Scheffer, M., FolkeBiggs, R., Carpenter, S.R., de Vries, CW., and Schellnhuber, H.J.: A safe operating space for humanity. Nature. 461, 7263, 472-475 (2009)de Wit, C.A. Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science, 347, 6223 (2015), 1259855.

Steffen, W., Crutzen, P.J., and McNeill, J.R.: The Anthropocene: are humans now overwhelming the great forces of nature. Ambio. 36, 8, 614-621 (2007)

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Last changed 2015-08-27 19:10

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