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Lecture 7

Tid: Tisdag 15 september 2015 kl 13:00 - 15:00 2015-09-15T13:00:00 2015-09-15T15:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2015 hallmed15

Plats: E3

Aktivitet: Föreläsning

Lärare: Elina Eriksson () , Daniel Pargman ()

Studentgrupper: CMETE_4, TMETM_1, TMETM_2, TMMTM_1, TMMTM_2


Who is pedalling when you are watching kittens on youtube?

Lecturer: Daniel Pargman

Content: Energy is invisible. Our daily use of electricity is invisible. So how can we even start to contemplate changing our behaviours and using less when we don’t have a visceral feeling for how much energy we consume? This lecture introduces the concept of ”energy slaves” as a way to help make the invisible visible. How many ”energy slaves” do we have working for us 24/7 to provide us with our modern lifestyles?

About: Daniel Pargman is an Assistant Professor in Media Technology at the KTH School of Computer Science and Communication. His research interests concerns social media, virtual communities, Internet culture, sustainability and resource challenges.

- Human Power Station. Read the short text and see the 3-minute video clip on this page: http://www.electricpedals.com/human-power-station/
- Nikiforuk (2011), You and your slaves (4 pages), http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2011/05/05/EnergySlaves/
- Nikiforuk (2012), "The energy of Slaves”. Chapter 2, ”Slaves to energy”
- Homer-Dixon (2006), ”The upside of down”. Part of chapter 2, ”A keystone in time”
-Tomlinson, Silberman, Patterson, Pan & Blevis (2012), "Collapse informatics: Augmenting the sustainability and ICT4D discourse in HCI", in proceedings of CHI'12

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 12 mars 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 30 april 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Assistent Elina Eriksson redigerade 10 september 2015

FöreläsningLecture 7

Who is pedalling when you are watching kittens on youtube? Lecturer: Daniel Pargman Content: Energy is invisible. Our daily use of electricity is invisible. So how can we even start to contemplate changing our behaviours and using less when we don’t have a visceral feeling for how much energy we consume? This lecture introduces the concept of ”energy slaves” as a way to help make the invisible visible. How many ”energy slaves” do we have working for us 24/7 to provide us with our modern lifestyles?¶

About: Daniel Pargman is an Assistant Professor in Media Technology at the KTH School of Computer Science and Communication. His research interests concerns social media, virtual communities, Internet culture, sustainability and resource challenges. ¶

Literature:- Human Power Station. Read the short text and see the 3-minute video clip on this page: http://www.electricpedals.com/human-power-station/- Nikiforuk (2011), You and your slaves (4 pages), http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2011/05/05/EnergySlaves/- Nikiforuk (2012), "The energy of Slaves”. Chapter 2, ”Slaves to energy” - Homer-Dixon (2006), ”The upside of down”. Part of chapter 2, ”A keystone in time”-Tomlinson, Silberman, Patterson, Pan & Blevis (2012), "Collapse informatics: Augmenting the sustainability and ICT4D discourse in HCI", in proceedings of CHI'12¶

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Senast ändrad 2015-09-10 11:33

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