Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida

Important dates 2017

Startup lecture 20 March 2017 at 13:15-15:00 i Room 205


Important dates - to be updated

There may be small changes and additions to these dates.

  • Startup lecture - Monday, 20 March 2017 at 13:15 in Room 205
  • Groups assigned in Daisy, no changes after 29 March
  • Each group must schedule two 1-hour project-definition meetings with the teacher in the period 3-7 April; there should be at least one full day between the meetings.
  • Some preparation tasks finished - Monday, 10 April
  • All preparation tasks finished - Tuesday, 18 April
  • Project Sprint 1: Wednesday 19 April - Tuesday 25 April (obligatory attendance)
    System design presentation:
    Sprint demo: 
    Tuesday 25 April, at 10:15, Lecture Hall A (Östen Mäkitalo)
  • Project Sprint 2: Wednesday 26 April - Wednesday 3 May (obligatory attendance)
    Sprint demo:
     Wednesday 3 May, at 13:15, Lecture Hall A (Östen Mäkitalo)
  • Project Sprint 3: Thursday 4 May - Wednesday 10 May (obligatory attendance)
    Sprint demo:
    Wednesday 10 May at 10:15, Lecture Hall A (Östen Mäkitalo)
  • Project Sprint 4: Thursday 11 May - Wednesday 17 May (obligatory attendance)
    Sprint demo:
     Wednesday 17 May at 13:15, Lecture Hall A (Östen Mäkitalo)
  • Project Expo: Thursday, 18 May (obligatory attendance)
    After the Project Expo, all products and documentation must be handed in, together with any equipment borrowed for the course etcetera.
  • Individual Project Reflection - e-mailed to F Lundevall no later than Monday, 29 May 2017