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Här visas ändringar i "Assignments" mellan 2016-09-02 15:05 av Leif Lindbäck och 2016-09-06 15:03 av Leif Lindbäck.

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Do not consider your task to be writing the specified program and then write a report about it. Rather, your task is to write a report proving that you have met the specified requirements. In order to write such a report you must of course first write the program, but focus is on your report and not on the program as such.

Grading The first four seminars have mandatory tasks and optional tasks. To pass the LAB1 sub course you must solve the mandatory tasks for each seminar and also pass all seminars. The optional tasks serve to improve your final course grade. Three accepted optional tasks improve the exam (TEN1) grade one level, six accepted optional tasks improve the exam (TEN1) grade two levels. There are in total eight optional tasks, two per seminar.

The fifth seminar is an opportunity to re-submit seminars you did not pass or to report more optional tasks.

How To Write and Submit the Report You are allowed to write the program together with other students; your program does not have to be different from other student's programs. Please specify, in your report, the names of those you have worked with when writing the program. You are not allowed to write the report together with other students; you report must be unique. All submitted solutions must follow this template, id1354-report-template.pdf. Note that the template is a pdf file, you must create a similar word document, minor layout changes are allowed. The template pdf is created using latex, if you want to try that you can use the following tex file, id1354-report-template.tex

The reports shall be submitted in Bilda (http://bilda.kth.se/) under the activity ID1354, Applikationer för internet H16, Period 1. Important! You need to bring your laptop to the seminar. If you can not bring a laptop, you must instead bring all files of your solution on a USB stick. You do not have to bring a printout of your solution.

At the Seminar At the seminar you will be divided into groups. All members of the group will, in turn, explain and motivate their program to the other group members. After that, the group will, together, solve problems presented at the seminar, and upload the solutions to Bilda. You solve as many problems as time allows. At the end of the seminar, there will be a final presentation where a randomly chosen person from each group will give a five-minute presentation of their own solution to the entire seminar. Prepare this presentation before the seminar.

Tasks Following are seminar tasks.

Seminar 1, HTML and CSS The report shall be submitted in Bilda (http://bilda.kth.se/). Important! You need to bring your laptop to the seminar. If you can not bring a laptop, you must instead bring all files of your solution on a USB stick. id1354-tasks-seminar1.pdfid1354-at-the-seminar-tasks-for-seminar1.pdf

Seminar 2, A PHP Web Application The report shall be submitted in Bilda (http://bilda.kth.se/). Important! You need to bring your laptop to the seminar. If you can not bring a laptop, you must instead bring all files of your solution on a USB stick.id1354-tasks-seminar2.pdf

Seminar 3, Improving the PHP Web Application The report shall be submitted in Bilda (http://bilda.kth.se/). Important! You need to bring your laptop to the seminar. If you can not bring a laptop, you must instead bring all files of your solution on a USB stick. id1354-tasks-seminar3.pdf

Seminar 4, JavaScript The report shall be submitted in Bilda (http://bilda.kth.se/). Important! You need to bring your laptop to the seminar. If you can not bring a laptop, you must instead bring all files of your solution on a USB stick.id1354-tasks-seminar4.pdf

Seminar 5, Improve Your Score The fifth seminar is an opportunity to re-submit seminars you did not pass or to report more optional tasks.

How to Submit
* Submit under Seminar 5 in Bilda.
* Submit one file per seminar you want to improve.
How to Report
* You attend the seminar only if you report new tasks. You do not have to attend seminar five just to update the report, in that case just resubmit the report in Bilda, under seminar five.
* If you want to report a task (mandatory or optional), which you have not presented at a previous seminar, you must attend the seminar and present your solution to a smaller group and to all attendants, the same way as at the other four seminars.