Dear all,

I get many emails about the projects. If you have questions, you are always welcome to email me directly, but I would really prefer if you do the following first (Note that I have over 250 registered on this course and I cannot answer personal email from everyone):

1. Look at KTH social and see if someone has asked the same question as you have. It is a good idea to follow the questions and answers there.

2. Read the "Uno32&MCB32 toolchain FAQ". Axel updates this page with info when many people ask the same questions.

3. Read the "Literature and Resource page" and the "Mini Project" page carefully. Many questions that I get are stated there. If they are not, go to point 4.

4. Ask the question on KTH social. We really prefer if you do this before sending an email to us, since everyone can then see the answer. Also, we really appreciate if other students also answer questions, so that you can help each other.

5. Go to the lunch office hour and ask questions. Collect your questions and ask them at the lunch.

Note also that the main challenge in the project is really to read and find information yourself on the internet and in the course book. You should ask questions on KTH social when you get stuck, but you also need to search for information.

Here are the answers to some of the questions that I often get.

1. How can I email Axel, his contact information is not on the web?
Answer: Axel is the main technical contact person for the project and his contact information is available on the course web (under the Course PM page). But, you should not email him directly, but add the message on KTH social so that everyone can see the answer.

2. Am I allowed to use the lab code in my project?
Answer: Yes, absolutely. Most students actually base their code on lab 3.

3. Can I come and talk to you or the assistants?
Answer: Unfortunately, with over 250 students, it is impossible for us to meet every student personally and answer questions whenever you have a one. However, there are many alternatives as you can see above, where KTH social is the main forum, followed by the lunch office hour. 

4. I cannot find information about how to use the Basic I/O shield?
Answer: There are many small example projects available. The link is available on the "Literature and Resource" page (see the section about PIC32 and ChipKIT resources, at the end of the list). 

If you have any further questions about the above, please add a post on KTH social.

