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Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics

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An in-depth course on applications of computational fluid dynamics covering selected industrial and research topics in student projects with invited specialists. Together with SG2212 "Computational Fluid Dynamics", a comprehensive course on theory and practice of computational fluid dynamics.

Course Registration

All students need to be registered for the course (both Master's and PhD students). If the registration is not possible online, please send an email to student@mech.kth.se. More information can be found here.

Course plan

  • Lectures covering (i) modelling and approximations, (ii) turbulence scales and modelling and (iii) grid design as well as quality and best practice. During the lectures a home assignment will be made in three steps (see examination).
  • Individual task simulating wake flow.
  • Invited speakers presenting commercial and/or research CFD packages.
  • One day introduction and hands-on practice in one commercial or research CFD package including grid generation, computation and data analysis.
  • Information how to utilize the supercomputing facility at KTH (PDC).
  • Solve one selected industrial or research problem in a project group of three students. This includes to define and perform a complete CFD analysis, analyze the quality and trust in the results and to do some parametric study. The project will be reported and presented at a seminar in the end of the course.
