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Vector Analysis

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2024-08-05: The course books I will use is: 

  • [M] P.C. Matthews, Vector Calculus, Springer (1998) (e-version via KTHB available for KTH students).
  • [R] A. Ramgard, Vektoranalys, 3:e upplagan. 
  • [B] Mattias Blennow, Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, CRC Press, 2018 (e-version via KTHB available for KTH students). 

I will base my lectures on [M] and [R], but the course material can also be found in Sections 1 and 2 in [B]. I was informed that [M] and [R] will be available for a good price in the "kårbokhandeln". 

Edwin (course responsible in 2024) 
