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January 2017
Administrator Judith Butepage created event 17 January 2017
Administrator Judith Butepage edited 21 January 2017

WedneThursday 256 January 2017 at 14:00 - 15:30

February 2016
Administrator Giampiero Salvi created event 1 February 2016
Administrator Giampiero Salvi edited 1 February 2016

Title: "Probabilistic Interpretation of Linear Solvers" - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.2058v2.pdfAuthors: Philipp HennigPresenter: Judith and Cheng?

As a reminder: The setup of this reading group presupposes that everyone has read the paper and can contribute actively to the discussion. This has shown to be a very fruitful strategy.We also would like to remind you to1. think about an application paper of probabilistic numerics & Bayesian optimization and to2. think about the next topic (deep learning, sampling methods, reinforcement learning, etc.).