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About visual regimes and modes of critique - Open PhD seminar with Suzana Milevska

Tid: Fr 2017-04-28 kl 10.00 - 12.00

Plats: Lecture hall A124 at KTH Architecture, Osquars backe 5

Medverkande: Suzana Milevska

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Information about the seminar contact Karin Reisinger

“One is apt to think that a culture is more attached to its values than to its forms, that these can easily be modified, abandoned, taken up again; that only meaning is deeply rooted. This is to overlook how much hatred forms have given rise to when they have come apart or come into existence. It is to ignore the fact that people cling to ways of seeing, saying, doing, and thinking, more than to what is seen, to what is thought, said, or done. […] But in the twentieth century things have taken an unusual turn: the "formal" itself, serious work on the system of forms, has become an issue. And a remarkable object of moral hostilities, of aesthetic debates and political clashes.” - Michel Foucault, Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984, Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology Vol. 2, ed. by James D. Faubion (London: Penguin, 1998) 242.

The focus of the short introductory lecture lies on the uneven urban development in Skopje and its causes. How is the Roma municipality ShutoOrizari in Skopje represented as a mythical place in media? It's the largest community of Roma living in Europe in one neighbourhood and the only municipality with a Roma mayor. Although in the capital of Macedonia, it's so neglected in both infrastructural and societal terms that resemble favelas.

With this as a starting point, we will discuss visual regimes and modes of critique. What are visual regimes and how do they operate? Can we criticize from within? What about disobedience and its butterfly effect?

We invite you to actively partake in the seminar, and therefore bring an image (or a short film) from you current research, your creative practice or your reflected environment. We would like to discuss these images in terms of visual regimes, questions of representation and mode of critique and ask you for a very short introduction of your small contributions.

In preparation to the seminar you are welcome to read the texts Not Quite Bare Life - Rules and Exemptions  and/or Not Quite Bare Life: Ruins of Representation

or watch at least some parts of the semi-documentary film The Shutka Book of Records - Sutka knjiga rekorda

Suzana Milevska is a theorist and curator of visual art and culture from Macedonia. Currently she is the Principle Researcher in the Horizon 2020 project TRACES, Politecnico di Milano. She was the first Endowed Professor for Central and South Eastern European Art Histories at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her curatorial projects deal with postcolonial critique of hegemonic power regimes of representation of marginalized communities and focus on feminist, participatory and collaborative artistic practices and presentation of art by Romani artists. Milevska initiated the Centre for Visual and Cultural Research in Skopje (2006-2008), and was the initiator and researcher for the Call the Witness–Roma Pavilion (Venice Biennale, 2011). Her project The Renaming Machine (2008-2011) consisted of a series of exhibitions and conferences and the publication The Renaming Machine: The Book. She edited the reader On Productive Shame, Reconciliation, and Agency (Berlin: SternbergPress, 2016). She holds a PhD in visual culture from Goldsmiths College London. She was a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar and was a recipient of the Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory.

Tillhör: Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad (ABE)
Senast ändrad: 2017-03-24