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The first snow is here!

As you may have noticed if you follow the KTH Instagram page, it has been snowing a lot in the last few days in Stockholm! A couple of hours of intense snowing covered the city with over ten centimetres of snow, turning the scenery into a true winter wonderland. This was the “street” (can we … Continue reading “The first snow is here!”

Apply to KTH: how to write a convincing cover letter

Hej everyone! In today’s post, I will give you some tips and tricks to write a convincing cover letter (or “letter of motivation”) to apply to KTH, since drafting one may be challenging if you’re not used to writing in English or have never written something like that before. You can find out whether you … Continue reading “Apply to KTH: how to write a convincing cover letter”

My first week in Stockholm

Today marks exactly two months and a half since I’ve moved to Stockholm. So, I thought of sharing my first week in the Venice of the North with you – let’s see if reality met expectations! My first week in Stockholm was jam-packed, stressful and hectic – but it was also fun, surprising and unbelievably … Continue reading “My first week in Stockholm”

Apply to KTH: how to write an eye-catching CV

Some KTH programmes will require you to upload your curriculum along with your transcripts of records, language certificates and other requested documents. This means that learning to write a good, eye-catching curriculum should be one of your priorities when applying to KTH – and this is something that many, including me, struggled to do. I … Continue reading “Apply to KTH: how to write an eye-catching CV”

Apply to KTH: FAQ

In today’s post, I will answer some of the most common questions about how to apply to KTH. If you haven’t done it yet, I would suggest you to check Martyna’s post on how to apply to KTH and Raygo’s post on why study at KTH – I’m sure you’ll find the answer to many … Continue reading “Apply to KTH: FAQ”

A day trip to Uppsala

Uppsala is a cute little city located just North of Stockholm. It is effortless to get there and it’s perfect for a day trip! That’s why last weekend my housemates and I decided to give this ancient city a try. What to see in Uppsala During our day trip, we visited three of the most … Continue reading “A day trip to Uppsala”