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Courses in the first cycle from SCS 2024-2025

Of the courses in the first cycle some are given in a special english version or are adapted for an english program. In some cases the lecturer prefers to use English.
NB! This list only shows courses given in English.

Course code Course name Points Period responsible for course
ID1021 Algorithms and Data Structures (yr2,3) 7,5 1 Johan Montelius
IX1500 Discrete Mathemathics (last time, will ht25 be a SCI-kurs) 7,5 1

Niharika Gauraha

II1308 Introduction to programming 1,5 1 Fredrik Kilander
ID1018 Programming I 7,5 2 Fredrik Kilander
IV1351 Data Storage Paradigms 7,5 2

Niharika Garaha

Paris Carbone

Course code Course name Points Period responsible for course
ID1021 Algorithms and Data Structures (yr1) 7,5 3 Johan Montelius
ID1217 Concurrent Programming (mandatory yr1) 7,5 3 Ahmad Al-Shishtawy
II1307 Active Career (TCOMK) 1,5 4

  Robert Rönngren

IS1200 Computer Enginering, basic course 7,5 given autumn 2025 Marco Chiesa