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  Last name First name Title Phone
Profile image for Annika Andreasson Annika Doctoral student
Profile image for Henrik Artman Henrik Professor, dep.head of school, +46 8 790 62 20
Profile image for Fatemeh Bakhshoudeh Fatemeh Doctoral student
Profile image for Madeline Balaam Madeline Professor +46 8 790 66 27
Profile image for Olof Bälter Olof Professor +46 8 790 63 41
Profile image for Aksel Biørn-Hansen Aksel Doctoral student +46 70 058 16 54
Profile image for Petra Björndal Petra Doctoral student
Profile image for Cristian Bogdan Cristian Associate prof., head of div +46 8 790 91 56
Profile image for Roberto Bresin Roberto Professor +46 8 790 78 76
Profile image for Nadia Campo Woytuk Nadia Doctoral student
Profile image for Yuting Chen Yuting Doctoral student
Profile image for Abhishek Choubey Abhishek Doctoral student
Profile image for Marianela Ciolfi Felice Marianela Assistant professor
Profile image for Rob Comber Rob Associate. prof, dep. head div +46 8 790 62 12
Profile image for Leif Dahlberg Leif Professor +46 8 790 60 64
Profile image for Patric Dahlqvist Patric Lecturer +46 8 790 41 64
Profile image for Gerhard Eckel Gerhard Affiliated professor
Profile image for Elina Eriksson Elina Associate professor +46 8 790 62 77
Profile image for Kjetil Falkenberg Kjetil Associate professor +46 8 790 78 57
Profile image for Yael Feldman Maggor Yael Postdoc
Profile image for Ylva Fernaeus Ylva Associate professor +46 70 876 33 01
Profile image for Ulrik Franke Ulrik Adjunct professor
Profile image for Björn Johan Fröst Björn Johan Doctoral student
Profile image for Rachael Garrett Rachael Doctoral student +46 8 790 68 09
Profile image for Robert Gelmanovski Robert Doctoral student
Profile image for Pooria Ghavamian Pooria Doktorand
Profile image for Jan Gulliksen Jan Professor +46 73 037 39 30
Profile image for Torbjörn Gulz Torbjörn Doctoral student
Profile image for Leif Handberg Leif Associate professor +46 8 790 68 02
Profile image for Alice Haynes Alice Postdoktor
Profile image for Martin Hedlund Martin Doctoral student
Profile image for Anders Hedman Anders Associate professor +46 8 790 97 08
Profile image for André Holzapfel André Associate professor
Profile image for Derek Holzer Derek Doctoral student
Profile image for Kristina Höök Kristina Professor
Profile image for Petra Jääskeläinen Petra Doctoral student
Profile image for Stefan Johansson Stefan Affiliated faculty
Profile image for Marika Jonsson Marika Doctoral student +46 72459028
Profile image for Anna-Kaisa Kaila Anna-Kaisa Doctoral student
Profile image for Andreas Kotsios Andreas Postdoc
Profile image for Jarmo Laaksolahti Jarmo Lecturer, head of dept. +46 8 790 60 66
Profile image for Ann Lantz Ann Professor, head of school +46 8 790 68 17
Profile image for Nils David Teodor Larsson Holmgren Nils David Teodor Doctoral student
Profile image for Minna Laurell Thorslund Minna Doctoral student
Profile image for Haibo Li Haibo Professor +46 8 790 75 87
Profile image for Andreas Lindegren Andreas Doctoral student +46 8 790 68 52
Profile image for Yoav Luft Yoav Doctoral student
Profile image for Andrii Matviienko Andrii Assistant professor
Profile image for Gerrit Meixner Gerrit Affiliated professor
Profile image for Arjun Rajendran Menon Arjun Rajendran Doctoral student
Profile image for Olof Misgeld Olof Doctoral student
Profile image for Ali Mohamed Ali Postdoc
Profile image for Reuben Mugisha Reuben Doctoral student
Profile image for Daniel Pargman Daniel Associate professor +46 8 790 82 80
Profile image for Joo Young Park Joo Young Doctoral student
Profile image for Sandra Pauletto Sandra Associate professor +46 8 790 68 23
Profile image for Kristina Popova Kristina Doctoral student +46 8 790 68 05
Profile image for Sebastian Felix Rauh Sebastian Felix Doctoral student
Profile image for Rémy Jean Francis Rey Rémy Jean Francis Doctoral student
Profile image for Eva-Lotta Sallnäs Pysander Eva-Lotta Professor +46 8 790 66 26
Profile image for Yann Seznec Yann Doctoral student
Profile image for Anna Ståhl Anna Affiliated faculty
Profile image for Sofia Strömqvist Sofia Doctoral student
Profile image for Angeliki Tevekeli Angeliki Doctoral student
Profile image for Deirdre Tobin Deirdre Studiomanager
Profile image for Anupriya Tuli Anupriya Postdoc
Profile image for Laia Turmo Vidal Laia Postdoc
Profile image for Olga Viberg Olga Associate professor +46 8 790 68 04
Profile image for Deepika Yadav Deepika Postdoc
Profile image for Caroline Yan Zheng Caroline Yan Postdoc