2022 DMMC- MCR Annual Conference: Circular Production for Sustainable Societies
8th of December 2022 - Stockholm, Sweden

DMMS is proud to have hosted this year's joint conference, held annually in partnership with the Chalmers Metal Cutting Research Centre (MCR), this time on Circular Production for Sustainable Societies. The event took place at KTH on December 8th and welcomed participants from the manufacturing cluster, including our partners and collaborators.
As sustainable development puts pressure on all walks of life around the world, manufacturing, as an important industry, must take responsibility for driving decarbonization. The circular economy is a trending process that is embraced by many to contribute to global sustainable development goals, while also maximizing the use of resources and minimizing the carbon footprint of the manufacturing process. To discuss the application of different circular economy models, we invited partners and collaborators from manufacturing clusters to share their stories and promote sustainable ideas for the future of manufacturing.

KTH-DMMS and Chalmers-MCR take turns hosting an annual event to discuss trends in manufacturing, and this year we hosted the Conference for Circular Production for Sustainable Societies at KTH in Stockholm. On the day, topics from various fields were discussed. The opening of the day was presented under the auspices of Andreas Archenti, Director of DMMS and Peter Krajnik, Director of MCR.

The first block of sessions was opened by a Keynote presentation by Lars-Henrik Jörnving, VP Head of Global Industrial Development at Scania, who spoke about Scania’s production and logistics technology roadmap and pointed to the research topics important for both DMMS and MCR. Coming from the R&D sector, we had Goran Ljustina from Aurobay, presenting the participants and activities of the Swedish manufacturing R&D cluster with a focus on component manufacturing.

From the Academia, Amir Rashid and Andreas Archenti from KTH discussed circular manufacturing systems and metrology for circular manufacturing decisions, respectively, and Johan Ahlström from Chalmers talked about the challenges of circular metal cutting technology.

Coming from the manufacturing industry, speakers from Scania, Volvo and Ovako discussed the application of circular economy in in their day-to-day business and the challenges in current and future processes. Christian Claeson from Volvo talked about Volvo Group's circular economy utilization, and Michael Leider from Scania introduced circular economy applications within Scania. Furthermore, Göran Nyström from Ovako spoke about circular and CO2-neutral steel production. By the same token, Anna Fathali from Volvo presented the future trends in the heavy trucks industry. The last speaker of the day, Asif Farazee from KTH, discussed R&D funding opportunities for the topic of circularity.

In the end, the day was concluded with a productive open discussion on the topic of “How to move from the current situation to future circular reality?” which resulted with significant thoughts to bear in mind for future activities.

The complete program of the event is presented below:

DMMS works through various forums with partners from companies, colleges, universities and industrial research institutes to secure and coordinate educational and research resources for production and manufacturing technology. We are therefore delighted to have hosted this year's Joint Annual Meeting with MCR and once again bring our stakeholders together to discuss common interests!