NAVET Week Day 1 at KTH
The NAVET Week starts at KTH with a number of interesting presentations.
Tid: Må 2021-12-13 kl 13.00 - 17.00
Plats: Teknikringen 1
Monday: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
KTK will start the week with presentations from the NAVET center, presentations from our colleagues at KTH Innovation, KTH Research Support Office, the NAVET board and presentations of NAVET funded projects, as well as a presentation of another center: UmArts.
13:00-17:00: KTH, Teknikringen 1
Address: Teknikringen 1, 114 28 Stockholm
This session is also available live via Zoom:
13:00 Introduction by NAVET director Roberto Bresin
13:15 Presentation by Donnie SC Lygonis from KTH Innovation
13:30 Pierre Bodin presents the KTH Research Support Office
13:45 Presentation of UmArts by Eleanor Carpenter
14:15 Coffe Break
14:45 Talks by NAVET board members Katja Grillner and Henrik Frisk
15:15 Benoit Baudry: Presents re|thread
15:45 Ute Besenecker presenting Mixing and Matching the Luminous Color Palette
16:15 NAVET Week opening celebration.
More information about the NAVET Week at .