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Contact RCN

On this page you can find information about email and phone numbers to some staff working at RCN. If you are a student on a netbased course, you should mainly use email and phone numbers which are stated on the information page for each particular course. If you have general questions you may contact RCN by email or contact some of the persons below.

Visiting address: KTH, Lindstedtsvägen 5, 4th floor, SCI office. (When you go from Valhallavägen the entrance to Lindstedtsvägen 5 is in the arch to the big bailey.)

How to get to RCN (map)

Johan Thorbiörnson, director RCN, tel +46 (0)8-790 72 89, email

Johanna Blom, executing officer, tel +46 (0)8-790 66 32, email:

Tommy Ekola, PhD, developer, tel +46 (0)8-790 75 15, email:

Visiting address: KTH Mathematics, Lindstedtsvägen 25, 6th floor, room 3625

If you are a student, please use the email and phone number listed on the information page for your course.