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Silvia Colmenares Vilata, Wilfried Wang, Mara Sánchez Llorens: Studio 3 Open Lecture Day (Apr 26)

Welcome to a day of open lectures hosted by KTH-A Advanced Level Studio 3, taught by Johan Celsing, Carmen Izquierdo and Josef Eder. Organized with the support of Peter and Birgitta Celsings Stiftelse.

Time: Tue 2016-04-26

Location: KTH Arkitekturskolan, Osquars backe 5

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(Photo credit: String Vienna 2014 Numen Installations) 


April 26, 9.30 am, Small Atelier (A124)

Silvia Colmenares Vilata (1974) is an architect by the Madrid Polytechnic ETSAM (MArch 1999) and Doctor in Architecture (PhD 2015).Since 2008 she holds the position of Associated Teacher in the Architectural Design Department at ETSAM. She is a member of the UPM Research Group ARKRIT, devoted to architectural criticism, where she has been responsible for the SpanisPublicSpaces project and has participated in other funded research projects. ( In 2014 she acted as General Coordinator for the Critic|all, I International Conference on Architectural Design & Criticism. She has been invited to lecture at Master Degree for the MASAP (Universidad San Pablo CEU), the MPAA and the MACA (ETSAM).

Since 2001, she also co-directs the architecture office Colmenares Vilata Arquitectos. They have participated in many national and international competitions, being awarded in some of them as the 1st Prize for the Construction of 77 social housing units for the EMVS in Ensanche de Vallecas 49, the 1st Prize for Pizarra’s New Townhall (Málaga), or the 3rd Prize for Las Palmas Palace of Justice (Gran Canaria).Their work has been recognized with Fernando García Mercadal Prize, by the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Aragón as the best built project in 2003, for the Heraldo de Aragón building; as well as the Ricardo Magdalena Award, by the Fernando el Católico Institution from the Diputación de Zaragoza, in 2004. 


April 26, 12 noon, Main Atelier (A108)

Wilfried Wang is the O'Neil Ford Centennial Professor in Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin. With Barbara Hoidn, he is founder of HOIDN WANG PARTNER, Berlin. He is a registered architect in Berlin. Born in Hamburg, Wang studied architecture at the Bartlett School, University College London. From 1989 to 1995 he was in partnership with John Southall. Together with Nadir Tharani, he was founding co-editor of 9H Magazine (1979-1995), with Richard Burdett, he was co-director of the 9H Gallery (1985-1990), and director of the German Architecture Museum (1995-2000). He taught at the Polytechnic of North London, University College London, the ETH Zurich, the Staedelschule, the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and at the University of Navarra. Wang is the author of various essays and monographs on the architecture of the 20th-century.

With Michael Benedikt, Kevin Alter and Barbara Hoidn, he is on the editorial board of the O'Neil Ford Monograph and Duograph Series, jointly published by UTSOA and Wasmuth. He has served on competition and award juries and is chairman of the board of the Schelling Architecture Foundation.

He is a member of CICA; an honorary member of the Federation of German Architects (BDA); a foreign member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm; has received an honorary doctorate from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; a member of the Academy of the Arts, Berlin and Deputy Director of the Architecture Section of the Academy of the Arts; and is an honorary member of the Portuguese Chamber of Architects.


April 26, 2.30pm, Main Atelier (A108)

Mara Sánchez Llorens (1973), PhD., is Associate Professor at the Architecture Department at the Pontifical University of Salamanca in Madrid as well as the Art Department at the Nebrija University. Mara Sánchez Llorens develops her professional architectural practice combining research, writing and teaching. She has authored numerous architecture and art publications and contributes in magazines such as Cuadernos del Paisaje, Circo, Lars or Metalocus. As a Latin American Art expert, Sánchez Llorens has collaborated with the Spanish Agency for International Development and Cooperation from 1994 to 2014.

She has lived in Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. Since 2015 she has delivered conferences, talks and has presented papers in Spain and abroad: Munich, Lisbon, São Paulo, Mexico DF. among others; exploring ideas on women’s practice of architecture and art. Her Ph.D –Objects and Collective Actions of Lina Bo Bardi (Summa Cum Laude, UPM, Madrid, 2010) – was granted an Excellence Prize in 2011 by Arquia Foundation and has recently been published by The Diseño Publishing House.

Belongs to: School of Architecture
Last changed: Apr 19, 2016