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Order ISBN

KTH has a publication series called TRITA (TRITA = Transactions of the Royal Institute of Technology + A), where doctoral theses/licentiate theses, student theses or reports should be included.

Each school at KTH has three different TRITA-series, with a person responsible for distributing the serial numbers, in each series. Doctoral theses, licentiate theses and student theses should be included in the TRITA series. Reports that are published at KTH should have a TRITA number.

All TRITA publications should have an ISBN and should be registered in DiVA with uploaded full text.

Doctoral theses, licentiate theses and student theses should always have an ISBN number. To order an ISBN for a report you can also order it here.

To order an ISBN please fill in this form below:

Type of publication:

Doctoral thesis
Licentiate thesis

Date of defence (YYYY-MM-DD):

TRITA serie:

Title of publication:

Requesting author or first author:

Last name:

First name:

KTH id:
You find your KTH-id on your profile page, starts with "u"

E-mail address where ISBN will be sent (only one address):

If you need ISBN for another type of publication you can ask for one or several ISBN numbers at the ISBN- Centralen at Kungliga biblioteket .