Swedish Land and Cadastral Legislation
Translations into English of the legislation below are available as pdf-files. The enactments, amendments included, have been translated as they were worded in December 2006.
There are also English - Swedish and Swedish - English glossaries. They give a certain standardisation of legal terms, but the word lists will have to be used with care. Some Swedish terms do not even have English equivalents.
The translations are not official and have been made in co-operation between the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and the National Land Survey (LMV).
The Acts are also available in printed form. To order the book Swedish Land and Cadastral Legislation (price: 500 SEK), please contact via e-mail: studentexp.fob@abe.kth.se
PDF för respektive avhandling finns längst ner på sidan/PDF is displayed on the bottom of the page.
- Land Code (SFS 1970:994 jordabalk)
- Real Property Formation Act (SFS 1970:988 fastighetsbildningslag)
- Adjudication and Legalisation Act (SFS 1971:1037 lag om äganderättsutredning och legalisering)
- Utility Easements Act (SFS 1973:1144 ledningsrättslag)
- Joint Facilities Act (SFS 1973:1149 anläggningslag)
- Joint Property Units (Management) Act (SFS 1973:1150 lag om förvaltning av samfälligheter)
- Fishery Conservation Areas Act (SFS 1981:533 lag om fiskevårdsområden)
- Game Conservation Areas Act (SFS 2000:592 lag om viltvårdsområden)
- Real Property Register Act (SFS 2000:224 lag om fastighetsregister)
- Real Property Register Ordinance (SFS 2000:308 förordning om fastighetsregister)
- Land Register Ordinance (SFS 2000:309 inskrivningsförordning)
- Mortgage Certificates Register Act (SFS 1994:448 lag om pantbrevsregister)
- Mortgage Certificates Register Ordinance (SFS 1994:598 förordning om pantbrevsregister)
- Apartments Register Act (SFS 2006:378 lag om lägenhetsregister)
- Apartments Register Ordinance (SFS 2007:108 förordning om lägenhetsregister)
- Expropriation Act (SFS 1972:719 expropriationslag)
- Pre-emption Act (SFS 1967:868 förköpslag)
- Leasehold Properties (Acquisition by Lessees) Act (SFS 1985:658 lag om arrendatorers rätt att förvärva arrendestället)
- Property Acquisition Rights (Conversion to Tenant-Ownership or Co-operative Tenancy) Act (SFS 1982:352 lag om rätt till fastighetsförvärv för ombildning till bostadsrätt eller kooperativ hyresrätt)
- Estate Agents Act (SFS 1995:400 fastighetsmäklarlag)
- Estate Agents Ordinance (SFS 1995:1028 fastighetsmäklarförordning)
- Public Water Areas (Boundaries) Act (excerpts) (SFS 1950:595 lag om gräns mot allmänt vattenområde)
- Public Water Services Act (SFS 2006:412 lag om allmänna vattentjänster)