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Watch the conference: "Security for Industry - How to avoid a Cyber attack"

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Published Jul 13, 2021

On May 26, 9.00-17.00 KTH’s research platforms on Digitalization and Industrial Transformation organized an online conference on "Security for Industry - How to avoid a Cyber attack". The aim was to bring together academia, industry and other stakeholders around the critical theme. The conference was recorded and you can watch the recordings here.

Watch recordings from the conference here. 

About the event


09:00-09:05 Welcome and introduction 

Monica Bellgran, Director, KTH Industrial Transformation Platform

Tobias Oechtering, Director, KTH Digitalization Platform

09:05-10:15 Session 1 – Overview industry needs:

Presentations by:

  • Ola Appelros, CIO/Country IS Manager - ABB
  • Magnus Malmström, CTO – Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions
  • Fredrik Tomasson, CISO – Scania
  • Eva Fogelström, Director, Security Research - Ericsson
  • Johan Harvard, Relationship Management Director – Combient

Concluding dialogue with the speakers.

10:15-10:25 Break, 10 mins

10:25-11:35 Session 2 – Cybersecurity

Plenary talk followed by a short Q&A:

  • Elisabeth Oswald, Professor - University of Klagenfurt, Austria. Leakage Profiling: Methods, Reasons, and some Thoughts about Responsibility.

Short tutorials by:

  • Panagiotis Papadimitratos, Professor – Div. of Software and Computer Systems, KTH
  • Roberto Guanciale, Assoc. Professor - Div. of Theoretical Computer Science, KTH
  • Elena Dubrova, Professor – Div. of Electronics and Embedded Systems, KTH

Concluding dialogue with the speakers.

11:35-11:45 Break, 10 mins

11:45-12:55 Session 3 – Security by design

Plenary talk followed by a short Q&A:

  • David Basin, Professor – ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Security by Design: a New Internet based on Scion.

Short tutorials by:

  • Elena Troubitsyna, Assoc. Professor – Div. of Theoretical Computer Science, KTH
  • Henrik Sandberg, Professor - Div. of Decision and Control Systems, KTH
  • Ragnar Thobaben, Assoc. Professor – Div. of Information Science and Engineering, KTH

Concluding dialogue with the speakers.

12:55-13:40 Lunch Break, 45 mins

13:40-14:50 Session 4 – Security risk assessment

Plenary talk followed by a short Q&A:

  • Emil C. Lupu, Professor – Imperial College London, UK

Short tutorials by:

  • Mathias Ekstedt, Professor – Div. of Network and Systems Engineering, KTH
  • Martin Törngren, Professor – Unit of Mechatronics and Embedded Control Systems, KTH
  • Pontus Johnson, Professor – Div. of Network and Systems Engineering, KTH

Concluding dialogue with the speakers.

14:50-15:00 Break, 10 mins

15:00-16:10 Session 5 – Panel discussion: What comes next?

Plenary talk:

  • Boryana Hristova-Ilieva, Legal Officer – Unit H.2 Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy, European Commission, Brussels


  • Patrik Sandgren, Ansv. Digitalisering - Teknikföretagen
  • Boryana Hristova-Ilieva, Legal Officer – Unit H.2 Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy, European Commission, Brussels
  • Carl Önne, CISSP/Information Security Specialist – Unit of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Section, Cybersecurity and Secure Communications Department, MSB
  • James Christie, Analyst – PTS Swedish Post and Telecom Authority

More names will be added when confirmed.

16:10-16:15 Wrap up

16:15 End of conference

Please note that this program and the end time might be adjusted depending on confirmations from additional participants.