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Joint Symposium between KTH and Kyushu University: “Digital Revolution for a Sustainable Future”

Time: Tue 2024-01-30 08.00 - 10.15

Location: Zoom (ID: 949 5486 6738, Passcode: 793227)

Video link:

Language: English

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Common terms such as AI, machine learning, and big data now hold immense potential. The field of data science, powered by AI, is emerging and can revolutionize society by using AI to analyze large datasets. This technological advancement enables efficient energy generation, storage, and environmentally responsible consumption. In transportation, we are on the brink of a shift towards centrally managed, wirelessly connected vehicles and widespread car-sharing programs. This symposium organized by KTH and Kyushu University will explore advanced research in digitalization within the mathematical and information sciences. Topics covered include electricity demand forecasting, AI-driven smart grid enhancement, industrial implications of electrification and automation, cybersecurity, and information mathematics.

​​​​​​​Program and speakers (pdf 642 kB) ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​