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Gamma-ray bursts - The Birth Cries of a Black Hole

Time: Thu 2017-01-19 15.00 - 16.00

Location: AlbaNova, Room FA32

Participating: Felix Ryde

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40 years ago enormous outbursts of gamma-rays were observed in the sky. We now know that these so called gamma-ray bursts originate from the birth cries when black holes are formed. This occurred particularly in the early life of the universe and can thus be used to study the universe and its evolution. In this lecture I will tell you the fascinating story about how gamma-ray bursts where discovered and how we solved the puzzle to better understand them. I will focus especially on how this was made possible using satellite observations.

Page responsible:Ceona Lindstein
Belongs to: KTH Space Center
Last changed: Dec 16, 2016