KTH strives for high scientific quality of the publication and to make its scientific output available for those interested.
KTH's scientific publications are available in the KTH publication database DiVA. Since 2011, all dissertations, reports, and theses are available in full text. Scientific papers, conference papers, books, etcetera, are registered in DiVA, and many of these are also available in full text.
If you want to see an individual researcher's publications, enter the person's name in the search box above. Clicking on the link to the person who appears in the search results, you will be redirected to the person's profile page. You can see all publications by clicking on the link "Publications."
Search among KTH's scientific publications
Last registered publications
- Fluorescence-based fluctuation techniques for molecular, cellular and tissue studies
- A Compact X-Ray Source via Fast Microparticle Streams : A novel X-ray target concept
- Network-Agnostic Computational Approaches for Modelling and Validating Evolving Complex Systems
- Modeling and design of lenses combined with array antennas in the millimetre-wave regime
- Motor Unit Property Estimation and Clustering in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
- Channel Estimation and Interference Mitigation for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
- Machine Learning Based Resource Allocation for Future Wireless Networks
- Bayesian Causal Discovery and Object-Centric Representations : Challenges and Insights in Structured Learning
- Fluctuations on Global and Intermediate Scales for Orthogonal Polynomial Ensembles
- Explainable Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Network Optimization
- Methods and algorithms for optimal correspondences and assignments in data exploration : Exploring the unknown with global optimization
- Experimental study of liquid-infused surfaces in turbulent and laminar flow regimes
- High-Throughput Manipulation of Micro- and Nanoparticles Using Elasto-Inertial Microfluidics for Environmental and Biomedical Applications