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The ESA BIOMASS Mission: Measuring Forest Biomass from Space

Time: Wed 2021-03-03 15.00 - 16.00


Participating: Dr Thuy Le Toan

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Thuy Le Toan has a PhD in atomic and nuclear physics from the University of Toulouse, France.

She is a senior researcher leading a remote sensing research team at the Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère (CESBIO), P.I of the BIOMASS mission, and currently, co-chair of the ESA BIOMASS Mission Advisory Group.

Her research activity has been in the area of microwave remote sensing for land applications, including experimental and modelling studies and SAR image analysis, with focus on forest and agriculture . She has been involved in numerous projects for the E.U., ESA, NASA, JAXA and national organisations. In these projects, she has gained experiences on the use of EO data to characterise the land processes and to quantify their impacts on the carbon cycle. Her current interest is on the use of SAR data to monitor changes in the land surfaces under climatic and human impacts.

The zoom link will be given the day before the seminar!

Abstract of the Seminar

In response to the need for improved mapping of global biomass, the BIOMASS mission was selected by the European Space Agency as the 7th Earth Explorer mission, for launch in 2023. The objective of the mission is to quantify and to monitor changes in the magnitude and distribution of forest biomass, in order to reduce the major uncertainties in calculations of carbon stocks and fluxes associated with the terrestrial biosphere. Three main products will be provided: global maps of both AGB and forest height, and maps of severe forest disturbance. To meet the requirements, the mission will carry a P-Band polarimetric SAR (centre frequency 435 MHz) with interferometric capability, exploited in advanced Tomography and PolInSAR techniques.

An overview and the status of the mission will be presented, covering the scientific requirements, the background knowledge gained from airborne and tower-based experiments, the advanced measurement techniques used for product generation, and the use of the mission products in scientific programs and International Agreements.