Entry requirements for Information and Communication Technology
To be eligible for the bachelor's programme in Information and Communication Technology, you must meet the listed admission requirements and submit the documents required in your application.
Admission requirements
Completed upper secondary education
A completed upper secondary education is required.
English proficiency
English language proficiency equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary course English 6 is required. Detailed information on how you can meet the language requirement based on your educational background is provided by
University Admissions
. There are no Swedish language requirements for this programme.
Mathematics and Physics proficiency
Documented knowledge in Mathematics and Physics corresponding to Mathematics 4 (advanced level of mathematics) and Physics 2 (advanced level of physics). In each of the subjects, applicants must have at least a passing grade.
The courses in English, Mathematics and Physics mentioned above correspond to the course structure in Swedish upper secondary school. The levels of Mathematics and Physics corresponding to the content of these courses are an indication of the levels needed in order to be eligible for the programme. However, which level and course needed in Mathematics and Physics in order to fulfill the eligibility requirements depends on the country of educational background. All applications will be evaluated individually and according to country specific requirements.
Note that applicants must have complete documentation from Upper Secondary School. There will be no conditional admittance for applicants in their final year of Upper Secondary School and predicted grades are not accepted.
Equivalence for certain countries and systems
The following is a clarification of what is required to fulfil the requirements with an upper-secondary education from the following country or system.
To meet the requirements for physics from an American high school education, you must have successfully taken Advanced Placement (AP) tests in this subject. AP Physics 1 or 2 is required. For mathematics, Calculus and Pre-Calculus or AP-test (Calculus AB or BC) is required.
Completed upper secondary education
You can meet the requirement for a completed upper secondary education with a completed education from: · Senior Secondary School (高中) · Specialized Middle School (中专) · Vocational Secondary School ( 职高)
English proficiency
Upper secondary studies completed in this country do not meet the English requirement for studies in Sweden. Even if you studied English at your upper secondary school, it is not at a level to meet the English requirement. You can demonstrate that you meet the English language requirement through certain university studies, or an internationally approved English test.
Mathematics and Physics proficiency
A Chinese upper secondary education does not meet the requirement for knowledge in Mathematics and Physics corresponding to Mathematics 4 (advanced level of mathematics) and Physics 2 (advanced level of physics). University courses in these subjects can meet the requirement.
The requirements are an International Baccalaureate Diploma with 24 points and passing grades in:
English A HL, English A SL, English B HL or English B SL corresponds to English 6 in Sweden
Mathematics: analysis and approaches SL or Mathematics: applications and interpretation HL (from 2021 and onwards) corresponds to Mathematics 4 in Sweden
Physics, SL or HL corresponds to Physics 2 in Sweden
Completed upper secondary education
You can meet the requirement for a completed upper secondary education with the following Secondary School Certificates.
Secondary School Certificate Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти / Svidotstvo pro zdobuttja povnoji zahalnoji serednoji osvity
Secondary School Certificate (Атестат про повну загальну середню освiту) and final school grades transcript including final state examination (Додаток до атестата)
Vocational Secondary School Diploma (Диплом квалiфiкованого робiтника / Диплом молодшого спецiалiста) and final transcript with all subjects and grades (Додаток до Диплома)
English proficiency
Upper secondary studies completed in this country do not meet the English requirement for studies in Sweden. Even if you studied English at your upper secondary school, it is not enough to give you eligibility in regard to English. You can demonstrate that you meet the English language requirement through certain university studies, or an internationally approved English test.
Mathematics and Physics proficiency
You can meet the requirement for knowledge in Mathematics and Physics corresponding to Mathematics 4 (advanced level of mathematics) and Physics 2 (advanced level of physics) with:
Physics from a special school corresponds to Physics 2 in Sweden
Mathematics from a special school corresponds to Mathematics 4 in Sweden
Equivalent knowledge from university studies may also meet this requirement.
Language tests in Stockholm
Most applicants from Ukraine must demonstrate their English proficiency with an internationally recognised test to be eligible for the programme. Both
provide test opportunities in Stockholm and online from 23 April and forward. Test results should arrive in 14 days, well in time for the document submission deadline 21 June.
The requirements are an upper-secondary education giving access to university studies in the United Kingdom including a minimum grade C in IGCSE/GCSE/GCE English as well as the following:
Mathematics GCE AS level or GCE A level (grade E or above) level corresponds to Mathematics 4 in Sweden
GCE A/AS level Physics corresponds to Physics 2 in Sweden
This applies to applicants with GCSE from 2010 and onwards.
The acceptance rate for the bachelor's programme in Information and Communication Technology for 2023 was 9 %. We admitted 65 students out of the 722 applicants that met the admission requirements. These numbers include applications in both application rounds.