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Publications of the researchers at the Centre for the Future of Places in 2018

Tigran Haas, KTH

  • Haas, T. 2019. The Many Urban Lenses of Jane Jacobs – Jacobs’ Image of the City (Unabridged Version), International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities (IJISSH), ISSN 2456-4931, Volume: 4 Issue: 11 | November 2019 Peer Reviewed
  • Mehaffy, W. M. and Haas, T. 2019. Informality in the New Urban Agenda: A “New Paradigm?”, Berkeley Planning Journal 30, 6-22, ISSN: 1047-5192 Peer Reviewed
  • Haas, T. 2019. Jane Jacobs Geographies of Place - Jacob’s Special Lens on the City (Abridged Version), International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2019, PP 30-42 ISSN 2349-0373 peer reviewed
  • Meijling, J. and Haas, T. 2019 (Eds.) Samhällsbyggandet som mysterium (Built Environment as a Mystery) Jane Jacobs ideér om människor, städer och ekonomier (Jane Jacobs Ideas about People, Cities, and Economies). Lund: Nordic Academic Press, ISBN: 978-91-88661-67-8 (Book)
  • Haas, T. and Westlund, H. (eds.) 2019. In the Post Urban World” - Emergent Transformations of Cities and Regions in the Innovative Global Economy (Book) Routledge: New York, ISBN: 978-1138394155 peer reviewed
  • Haas, T., Westlund, H., Farrell, K. and J. Jing, (Eds) 2019. “Perspectives on Urban Realities: Challenges for Metropolitan Urban Regions”, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm US-AB ISBN 978-91-7873-116-9
  • Haas, T. & Mehaffy, M.W. 2019. Introduction: the future of public space, Urban Design International March 2019, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp 75–75 peer reviewed Springer Nature Switzerland AG 1468-4519
  • Mehaffy, T., Elmlund, P. and Haas, T. 2019. Public Space in the New Urban Agenda: Research into Implementation, Journal of Urban Planning, Coigato Press 2019, ISSN 2183-7635 peer reviewed
  • Olsson, K. and Haas, T. 2019. Heritage Urbanism—Urban Heritage and Planning and Design, An Introduction. Sustainability of Culture and Heritage, Sustainability Journal, MDPI ISSN 2071-1050 peer reviewed
  • Mehaffy, M., Haas, T., Elmlund, P. 2019. “Public spaces and private conflicts in the New Urban Agenda”. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 238, Ashurst, UK: WIT Press, 2019.
  • Mehaffy, M. and Haas, T. 2019. The Key Factors of Success for Curating Main Streets, Journal of Engineering and Architecture, December 2019, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 5-17, ISSN: 2334-2986, American Research Institute for Policy Development Peer Reviewed
  • Jing, J., Canter, D. and Haas, T. 2019. Conceptualizing Public Space Using a Multiple Sorting Task–Exploring the Links between Loneliness and Public Space, Urban Science Journal, MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) Urban Sci., Volume 3, Issue 4, 1-23, (107) ISSN 2413-8851 Peer Reviewed

Michael Mehaffy

  • Mehaffy, M. (2019). “New Urbanism and the New Urban Agenda.” In A Research Agenda for New Urbanism (2019). Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Mehaffy, M. (2019). “Assessing Alexander’s Later Contributions to a Science of Cities.” Urban Science 3 (2), 59
  • Mehaffy, M. (2019). “Curating Main Streets: The factors of success.” In Street Life: The Future of Urban Retail. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Mehaffy, M. (2019). “A City is Not a Technopole.” In Why Yachay, Michael Sorkin, ed. New York: Terreform.
  • Mehaffy M. (2019). “The Power of Urbanism, and the Importance of Spreading it Around.” In Ten Years of Urban City Research, Peter Elmlund, ed. Stockholm: Axess.
  • Mehaffy, M. (2019). “The Gentrification Challenge.” In Our City: Countering Exclusion in Public Space. Minouche Besters, Editor. Rotterdam: STIPO.
  • Mehaffy, M. and Low, S. (2019). “The resurgence of public space: from the Charter of Athens to the New Urban Agenda.” The Journal of Public Space 3 (3), 1-24
  • Haas, T. and Mehaffy, M. (2019). “The Future of Public Space.” Urban Design International 24 (1), 75-75
  • Mehaffy, M., Haas, T., and Elmlund, P. (2019). “Public Space in the New Urban Agenda: Research into Implementation.” Urban Planning 4 (2), 134-137.
  • Mehaffy, M., Elmlund, P. and Farrell, K. (2019). “Implementing the New Urban Agenda: the central role of public space.” Urban Design International 24 (1), 4-6
  • Mehaffy, M., Elmlund, P. and Haas, T. (2019). “The Private Lives of Public Spaces.” In Handbook of Public Space. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Mehaffy, M., Haas, T. and Elmlund, P. (2019). “Public spaces and private conflicts in the New Urban Agenda.” In WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 238, Ashurst, UK: WIT Press.
  • Mehaffy, M., Kryazheva, Y., Rudd, A. and Salingaros, N. (2019). A Pattern Language for Growing Regions. Portland: Sustasis Press

Hans Westlund, KTH

Charles R. Wolfe

Setha Low, CUNY New York

  • Low, S. and M. Maguire (Eds.) (2019). Spaces of Security: Ethnographies of Securityscapes, Surveillance and Control. New York: New York University Press.
  • Low, S. (Ed.). (2019) Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and the City: Engaging the Urban and the Future. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Mehaffy, M. and S. Low (2019) From the Charter of Athens to the New Urban Agenda: Implications for Urban Form and Public Space. Journal of Public Space
  • Low, S. (2020) Social Justice for Evaluating Public Space. In V. Mehta. Handbook of Public Space, New York: Routledge.

Sabine Knierbein & publications connected to the Visiting Professorship Program in Urban Studies, TU Wien

  • Gabauer, A. (2018) Conflict vs. consensus. An emancipatory understanding of planning in a pluralist society. In: S. Knierbein, T. Viderman (eds) Public space unbound: Urban emancipation and the post-political condition. Routledge London/New York, pp.173-188.
  • Gabauer, A. and Knierbein, S. (2019) The transformation of public spaces: An urbanistic analysis (Original title in German: Die Veränderung der öffentlichen Räume: Eine urbanistische Analyse). Zeitschrift für Außerschulische Bildung, 1(2019), pp.4-9.
  • Gabauer, A., Knierbein, S., Lebuhn, H., Sirbegovic, A. (2019) Postmigrant Vienna. Places of lived diversity (Original title in German: Wien postmigrantisch. Orte der gelebten Vielfalt). Supplement of the Viennese street journal AUGUSTIN, (articles are available in multiple languages).
  • Israel, E., Cohen, N. and Czamanski, D. (2019) Return on capital? Determinants of counter-migration among early career Israeli STEM researchers. PLoS ONE, 14 (8).
  • Knierbein, S. (2018) Public space and refugee studies: Performing emancipation, resistance and opposition at train stations in Budapest and Vienna in 2015. Journal of Geography, 32, pp.70-83.
  • Knierbein, S. and Viderman, T. (2018) Public space unbound: Urban emancipation and the post-political condition. Routledge, London/New York.
  • Knierbein, S. and Viderman, T. (2018) Space, emancipation and post-political urbanization. In: S. Knierbein, T. Viderman (eds) Public space unbound: Urban emancipation and the post-political condition. Routledge London/New York, pp.3-19.
  • Lebuhn, H. (2019) Insurgent citizenship. In: Orum, A. (ed) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New Jersey.
  • Lebuhn, H. (2018) Urban Citizenship ‘Light’: Migration and diversity in the neoliberal city (Original title in German: Stadtbügerschaft ‘Light’: Migration und Vielfalt in der neoliberalen Stadt). In: PROKLA – Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 191, pp.325-333.
  • Lebuhn, H., Belina, B., Hoerning, J., Michel, B. and Vogelpohl, A. (2018) Productions of Space II – Theoretical controversies and political contestations (Original title in German: Raumproduktionen II – Theoretische Kontroversen und politische Auseinandersetzungen). Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster.
  • Lev Ari, L. and Cohen, N. (2018) Acculturation strategies among second generation Israeli migrants in the United States. Contemporary Jewry, 38(3), pp.1-20.
  • Porter, L., Sanyal, R., Bergby, S., Yotebieng, K., Lebuhn, H., Ramírez, M., Figueiredo Neto, P. and Tulumello, S. (2019) Borders and refuge: Citizenship, mobility and planning in a volatile world. Planning Theory and Practice, 20(1), pp.99-128.
  • Viderman, T. and Knierbein, S. (2018) Public space unbound: Emancipatory praxis and lived space. In: S. Knierbein, T. Viderman (eds) Public space unbound: Urban emancipation and the post-political condition. Routledge London/New York, pp.270-280.

Marie Glaeser & publications connected to the Geographies of Age Project,
ETH Zürich

  • Christensen, L., Glaser, M., Lehner, J. et al. Ageing in the city. Challenges of affordability and access to the housing markets of Vienna and Zurich, in: Urban Science, Special Issue Innovations in Affordable Housing at the Nexus of the Market and the State, 2020 (under revision)
  • Gabauer, A., Glaser, M., Lundberg, S. et al., Age-friendly Cities – Everyday Dimensions of Urban Care, in: Gabauer, A., Knierbein, S., Cohen, S., Lebuhn, H., Trogal, K., Viderman, T. (eds.), Cities and Care, Routledge 2020 (accepted)
  • Lehner, J., Gabauer, A., Everyday infrastructures of age(ing) – Towards an extension of methodological approaches in planning (Original Title in German: Alltagsinfrastrukturen des Alter(n)s – Zur Erweiterung methodischer Zugänge für die Planung), in: Jahrbuch Raumplanung, 2020 (accepted).

Mattias Höjer, KTH

  • Francart, Höjer, Mjörnell, Orahim, von Platten, Malmqvist Skaring indoor space: Stakeholders’ perspectives and energy metrics, Submitted Dec 2019
  • Gaffney, Rockström, Falk, Bhowmik, Bergmark, Henningson, Höjer, Jackson, Klingenfeld, Loken, Nakicenovic, Srivastava, Wilson. (2019) Meeting the 1.5°C climate ambition – moving from incremental to exponential action, Report to the UN Climate action summit 2019
  • Denell, Höjer, Fjellander et al, Resurseffektiva lokaler i Sverige – Lokaldelning som norm , Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences.
  • Hongo, Höjer, Francart, Kishita, Occupancy survey for efficient use of office space for reducing energy consumption: A case study of Swedish university buildings (Not final title), Manuscript.

Rosa Danenberg, doktorand KTH

  • Danenberg, R., forthcoming. The Urban Morphology of the Main Street. In: Talen & Kickert: Street Life the Future of Urban Retail. Toronto Press
  • Danenberg, R. et al., 2018. Main street plot scale in urban design for inclusive economies: Stockholm case studies . Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Urban Design and Planning.
  • Danenberg, R. & Haas, T. (2018). New trends in bottom-up urbanism and governance-reformulating ways for mutual engagement between municipalities and citizen-led urban initiatives. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Bottom-Up Urbanism (s. 113-129). Springer International Publishing.

Jing Jing, doktorand KTH

  • 2019 Jing, J.; Canter, D.; Haas, T. Conceptualizing Public Space Using a Multiple Sorting Task–Exploring the Links between Loneliness and Public Space. Urban Science. 2019, 3, 107. (Peer Review)
  • Jing, J. Micro Urban Renewal - Community Gardens in Shanghai, in Danenberg, R.; et al. (eds.) The City at Eye Level for Kids, Stipo. (Book Chapter)
Belongs to: Centre for the Future of Places
Last changed: Jul 08, 2020