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The Guerrilla Setup – a Meditation on Freedom

The Sound and Music Computing group at MID kindly welcomes you all to the Sound and Music Interactions seminar.

Time: Tue 2021-02-23 15.00

Location: Online

Participating: Sol Andersson

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In this presentation, I will describe the above titled project, which is part of a practice-based research in sound art. The research draws upon a number of practices, such as no-input mixing, feedback, DIY electronics, sound art, guerilla art, and performance. The first year of work demonstrates my attempts to approach several areas and subjects. The initial aims raised questions like; What happens if an object is defined by what it is and not what it does? It is what it is, so to speak. How can an object reclaim space? How do I give voice to an object (for us to apprehend)? As I view every object as autonomous, I might find some answers in the process of letting objects speak for themselves.

About the speaker:

Sol Andersson is a musician, artist and research student. Her work focuses on listening. By working with an object’s material properties, the sound source and the sound allows it to be physical and can create sensual relationships that we experience. The interest is to explore the relationship between the performer, listener and instrument during the listening act.