Hero-m 2i collaborators have participated in a total amount of 44 proceedings between the years 2007 and 2019.
- M. Walbrühl, D. Linder, J. Ågren and A. Borgenstam, ” Cobalt substitution in cemented carbides guided by ICME“, 2016, World PM2016 Congress and Exhibition, 2015
- M. Walbrühl, J. Ågren and A. Borgenstam, ” Design of Co-free cemented carbides“, 2015, Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2015), John Wiley & Sons (197-204)
- Hossein Ehteshami, Weiwei Sun, and Pavel Korzhavyi, Statics and Dynamics of Point Defects in TiC, PTM 2015 conference proceedings
- Yunguo Li, Claudio M. Lousada, Inna L. Soroka, and Pavel A. Korzhavyi, Cation ordering in cuprice, CuOH, PTM 2015 conference proceedings
- Lindsay Leach, Annika Borgenstam, John Ågren, Lars Höglund, A Model for the Growth Rate of Bainitic Ferrite, Extended abstract at PTM 2015.
- Jiaqing Yin, Annika Borgenstam and Mats Hillert, Role of cementite on the formation of bainite in 0.3 mass% C steels, Extended abstract at PTM 2015.
- Tianyi Zeng, Annika Borgenstam, Peter Hedström, “On the Martensitic Structure and Hardness in As-quenched Fe-Ni alloys”, PTM 2015 conference proceedings
- Ye Tian, Annika Borgenstam, Peter Hedström, ”EFFECT OF CR AND NI ON THE MARTENSITIC TRANSFORMATION IN TERNARY FE-CR-NI ALLOYS”, PTM 2015 conference proceedings
- Ziyong Hou, Peter Hedström, Di Wu, Joakim Odqvist, ”STUDY OF CARBIDE PRECIPITATION DURING TEMPERING OF MARTENSITE IN AN FE-CR-C ALLOY”, PTM 2015 conference proceedings
- Y. Tian, A. Borgenstam, P. Hedström, ”A microstructural investigation of athermal and deformation-induced martensite in Fe-Cr-Ni alloys“ 2015, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2 (s687-s690)
- F Huyan, P Hedström, A Borgenstam, ” Modelling of fraction of martensite in low-alloy steels” 2015, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2 (s561-s564)
E. Olsson and P.-L. Larsson, “Micromechanics of Green Body Fracture”, 2014, Proceedings of the Euro PM 2014 Congress and Exhibition
- A. Masood, A.A. Afridi, V. Ström, A. Riazanova, L. Belova and K.V. Rao, “Fabrication and tuning soft magnetic and mageneto-optical properties of BMGs based Fe-B-Nb-Ni transparent thin films, obtained by pulsed laser deposition”, Dec. 1-6 2013, MRS Fall meeting, Boston, USA.
- E. Olsson and P.-L. Larsson, “Study of Springback of Green Bodies Using Micromechanical Experiments and the Discreet Element Method”, 2013, Proceedings of the III International Conference on Particle-based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications. Barcelona, Spain (590-601)
- A. Malik, G. Amberg, J. Ågren, ”Effects of External Stresses on the Martensitic Transformation in a 3D Polycrystalline Material Using the Phase Field Method”, 2013, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1535
- I. Borgh, P. Hedström, A. Blomqvist, C. Århammar, J. Ågren and J. Odqvist, ”A study of the decomposition in the mixed (Ti,Zr)C phase.”, 2013, Proc. 18th Plansee Seminar
- I. Borgh, P. Hedström, A. Borgenstam, J. Ågren and J. Odqvist, ”Effect of the carbon activity on the shape and size distribution of WC”, 2013, Proc. 18th Plansee Seminar
- A. M. Tahir, G. Amberg, P. Hedström, ”Investigation of Cu distribution and porosity in Fe-2Cu and Fe-2Cu-0.5C compacts”, 2013, Proc. EuroPM2013, Sweden, 2
- E. Olsson and P.-L. Larsson, “Elastic-Plastic Powder Compaction Simulations”, 2013, Proceedings of the 2012 Powder Metallurgy World Congress and Exhibition. Sakyo-ku Kyoto, Japan
- P. Hedström, A. Stormvinter, A. Borgenstam, A. Gholinia, B. Winiarski, P.J. Withers, O. Karlsson and J. Hagström, ”On the three-dimensional microstructure of martensite in carbon steels”, 2012, 3D Material Science Conference, TMS, Seven Springs, PA, US
- J. Bratberg, H. Mao, L. Kjellqvist, A. Engström, P. Mason, Q. Chen, ”The Development and Validation of a New Thermodynamic Database for Ni-Based Alloys”, 2012, Superalloys 2012: 12th International Symposium on Superalloys, (803-812)*
- O.I. Gorbatov, P.A. Korzhavyi, A.V. Ruban, and Yu.N. Gornostyrev, “Dependence of vacancy-solute interactions on magnetic state in dilute iron-based alloys”, Solid State Phenomena 172-174, 979 (2011).
- P. Korzhavyi, I. Soroka, M. Boman, and B. Johansson, “Thermodynamics of Stable and Metastable Cu-O-H Compounds”, Solid State Phenomena 172-174, 973 (2011).
- V.I. Razumovskiy, P.A. Korzhavyi, and A.V. Ruban, “Ab-initio calculations of kinetic properties in ZrC and TiC carbides”, Solid State Phenomena 172-174, 990 (2011).
- E. Olsson, P-L. Larsson, “Effect of Particle Size Distribution at Powder Compaction”, Proceedings of the Euro PM 2011 Congress and Exhibition, accepted for publication (2011).
- D. Andersson, P-L. Larsson, “Determination of Yield Surfaces in Advanced Constitutive Powder Models Using Inverse Modeling”, Proceedings of the Euro PM 2011 Congress and Exhibition, accepted for publication (2011).
- Jing Zhou, P. Hedström, J. Odqvist, S. Hertzman, M. Thuvander, “A study of duplex stainless steels aged at 325 °C under applied tensile load”, Accepted for publication in Proc. of European Stainless Steel Conference – Science and Market (2011).
- D. Andersson, P-L. Larsson, A. Cadario, P. Lindskog, “Inverse modeling for parameter determination when using advanced material models to describe powder compaction”, Proceedings of the PM2010 World Congress and Exhibition (2010).
- Reza Naraghi, M. Selleby, “Thermodynamic re-assessment of the Iron-Carbon system” Program and Abstract, CALPHAD XXXIX, Jeju, South Korea, p 125 (2010).
- W. Xiong, M. Selleby, Hualei Zhang, L. Vitos, “Remaining issues in the CALPHAD technique: illustrations using the Fe-Cr and Fe-Ni binaries”, Program and Abstract, CALPHAD XXXIX, Jeju, South Korea, p. 75 (2010).
- Ansar Masood, Anis Biswas, S.Nagar, T.Tamaki, T.Volotinen, L.Belova, K.V.Rao, “Magnetic, optical and transport properties of transparent amorphous Fe77B17Nb6 thin films”, MMM-Intermag conference, January 2010,Washington DC (2010).
- Yan Wu, K. V. Rao, Wolfgang Voit, Takhido Tamaki, O. D. Jayakumar, Lyubov Belova, Jinghua Guo, Per-Anders Glans, “Room temperature ferromagnetism and fast ultraviolet photoresponse of Mn-ZnO thin films deposited by inkjet Printing”, MMM-Intermag conference, January 2010,Washington DC (2010).
- K.V. Rao, Mukes Kapilashrami, Lyubov Belova, “Ferromagnetism at RT and thickness dependent magnetic transitions in pristine MgO and ZnO sputtered thin films”, MRS Spring Meeting, April 2010 (2010).
- V.I. Razumovskiy, E.I. Isaev, A.V. Ruban, and P.A. Korzhavyi, “New Pt-based Superalloy System Designed from First Principles”, in Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys for Extreme Environment and Energy Applications, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 1128 (MRS, Warrendale, 2009), pp. 233-238.
- O.I. Gorbatov, A.V. Ruban, P.A. Korzhavyi, and Yu.N. Gornostyrev, “Effect of magnetism on precipitation of Cu in bcc Fe: Ab-initio based modeling”, in Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXIII, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 1193 (MRS, Warrendale, 2009), pp. 469-476.
- W. Xiong, M. Selleby, Q. Chen, Y. Du, “An improved Thermodynamic Description of the Fe-Cr system” CALPHAD XXXVIII proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, May 17-22, 2009, p128 (2009).
- M. Kapilashrami, J. Xu, V. Ström , L. Belova, K.V. Rao, “On the Defect induced ferromagnetic ordering above room temperature in pure ZnO films”, Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1183, Materials Research Society, 1183-FF01-07; Proc. of MRS Symposium FF: Novel Materials and Devices for Spintronics (2009).
- D. Andersson, P-L. Larsson, A. Cadario, P. Lindskog, “Parameter Sensitivity at Advanced Constitutive Modeling of Powder Materials”, Proceedings of the Euro PM 2009 Congress and Exhibition, Vol. 3, pp. 293-298, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Shrewsbury, UK (2009).
- Mukes Kapilashrami, Jun Xu, Valter Ström , Lyuba Belova, K.V.Rao, ” On the Defect induced ferromagnetic ordering above room temperature in pure ZnO films”, Mat. Res. Symp Proc. vol 1183 © 2009 Materials Research Society 1183-FF01-07 (2009) Proc. of MRS Symposium FF: Novel Materials ond Devices for Spintronics, (2009)
- Yan Wu, Takahiko Tamaki, Wolfgang Voit, Lyubov Belova,K. V. Rao, “Ultraviolet Photoconductivity of Pure and Al doped ZnO Thin Films by Inkjet Printing”, Mat. Res. Symp Proc. vol 1161 © 2009 Materials Research Society 1161-I0322.R1 (2009) Proc. of MRS Symposium: Engineering Multiferroics, Magneto-Caloric Interactions, Sensors and Devices
- Sandeep Nagar, K.V Rao, Lyubov Belova, G. Catalan, J. Hong, J. F Scott , A. K Tyagi, O. D Jayakumar, R. Shukla, Yi-Sheng Liu, Jinghua Guo, “Room Temperature Ferromagnetism and Lack of Ferroelectricity in Thin films of ‘Biferroic?’ YbCrO3”, Mat. Res. Symp Proc. vol 1161 © 2009 Materials Research Society 1161-I0322.R1 (2009) Proc. of MRS Symposium: Engineering Multiferroics, Magneto-Caloric Interactions, Sensors and Devices.
- P.A. Korzhavyi, A.V. Ruban, and B. Johansson, “First-principles calculations as a new tool in steel research”, Proceedings of the 6th European Stainless Steel Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 10-13 June 2008.
- Sandmin Lee, Ansar Masood, Takahiko Tamaki, Ström Valter, K.V.Rao, Akhiro Makino, Akihisa Inoue, “Magneto-Thermogravimetric Technique to Investigate the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe-B-Nb-Y Bulk Metallic Glass – Proc. Of RQ13, 2008”, Journal of Phys.: Conference section 144 (2009) 012074, 2007
- P. Lindskog, C. Barbier, D. Jelagin and P.-L. Larsson, “Optimization as a Tool for Characterization of Advanced Constitutive Models describing Powder Compaction”, Proceedings of the Euro PM 2007 Congress and Exhibition, Vol. 3, pp. 381-386, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Shrewsbury, UK, 2007.