This page shows commercial spinoffs of research from RPL.
Here’s a list of recent RPL spinoffs:
Volumental (link: www.volumental.com/ ): Volumental AB spun out of the research on 3D modelling and is now a global company with customers in 38 countries. Their foot scanners have acquired a database with 3 million 3D foot scans. Customers include for example New Balance and Bauer. An article in Forbes gives one customer's story about the new technology: www.forbes.com/sites/micahsolomon/2018/08/31/the-moneyball-of-feet-the-technology-enhanced-retail-customer-experience-at-fleet-feet/#5e2ae6e25415
Gleechi (link: www.gleechi.com/ )
Vantagist (link: www.vantagist.com/ )
Fellowbot (link: www.fellow-bot.com/ )
DeepMed (link: deep-med.com/ )