Master Theses
The 50 most recent M.Sc. theses supervised by members of the division
M. Berg Wahlström and A. Hagelberg,
"Analysis and Use of Telemetry Data for Car Insurance Premiums,"
, 2023.
S. Syed and J. Stenberg,
"Deep Learning-based Regularizers for Cone Beam Computed Tomography Reconstruction,"
, 2023.
H. Backe and D. Rydberg,
"Statistical Modelling of Price Difference Durations Between Limit Order Books: Applications in Smart Order Routing,"
, 2023.
R. Siridol-Kjellberg,
"Hidden Markov Models for Intrusion Detection Under Background Activity,"
, 2023.
O. Abdullah Mohamad and A. Westin,
"Pricing and Modeling Heavy Tailed Reinsurance Treaties - A Pricing Application to Risk XL Contracts,"
, 2023.
L. Fageräng and H. Thoursie,
"Modelling Proxy Credit Cruves Using Recurrent Neural Networks,"
, 2023.
H. Andersson and J. Sjöberg,
"Predicting the Impact of Supply Chain Disruptions Using Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning,"
, 2023.
M. Johnson and H. Forslund,
"AI Based Methods for Matrix Multiplication in High Resolution Simulations of Radio Access Networks,"
, 2023.
A. Björnfot and S. Fjelkestam,
"Predicting Short-term Absences of a Railway Crew using Historical Data,"
, 2023.
H. Essinger and A. Kivelä,
"Object Based Image Retrieval Using Feature Maps of a YOLOv5 Network,"
, 2022.
F. Fenoaltea,
"Reliability Based Classification of Transitions in Complex Semi-Markov Models,"
, 2022.
M. Kazi and N. Stanojlovic,
"Deep Learning Approach for Time- to-Event Modeling of Credit Risk,"
, 2022.
J. Hlöðver Friðriksson and E. Ågren,
"Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Anomaly Detection,"
, 2021.
L. Börthas and J. Krange Sjölander,
"Machine Learning Based Prediction and Classification for Uplift Modeling,"
, 2020.
A. Prastorfer,
"Simulation-Based Portfolio Optimization with Coherent Distortion Risk Measures,"
, 2020.
T. Charitidis,
"Sequence Prediction for Identifying User Equipment Patterns in Mobile Networks,"
, 2020.
S. Kornfeld,
"Predicting Default Probability in Credit Risk using Machine Learning Algorithms,"
, 2020.
A. Andersson and S. Mirkhani,
"Portfolio Performance Optimization Using Multivariate Time Series Volatilities Processed With Deep Layering LSTM Neurons and Markowitz,"
, 2020.