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Launching the KTH Transport Challenge!

Competition open to all at KTH - deadline 12 March 2018

Published Feb 22, 2018

We are lucky to have such a lovely campus, but it takes time to get from one end to the other. Many of us have lectures and meetings in different buildings throughout the day. Think how much more productive we could be if getting around was quicker...

Mechatronics researchers Mikael Hellgren and Björn Möller - in collaboration with the ITRL Integrated Transport Research Lab - would like to hear your ideas! "Anything and Everything, " said Micke when asked what kind of solutions he was hoping for. So... whilst the logisitcs of teleporting might be a stretch, if you have an idea and can present it as a sustainable transport solution, get in touch!

The competition is open to all KTH students and staff, and the closing date is Monday 12 March. 

KTH Campus

KTH Campus is spread out, and transport between different places is much needed. The question is:

How should the transport of both goods and people be performed in the future?

The aim of this competition is to design a transport concept for the KTH Campus. The transport system should be sustainable. Your concept/solution could be system level, vehicle level or some other solution that enables sustainable transport at KTH. The concept you produce should be on an A3 poster in pdf format. You could work either by yourself or in groups of up to five people maximum.

Send your document to  by the end of Monday 12 March 2018 at the latest.

The best five concepts will be chosen by a jury and the groups will hold a presentation during March. From this five, the most suitable concept will be used for project purposes and a prototype will be built. This will be performed as student projects within courses at KTH.

For more information, please contact: Mikael Hellgren,0707726306, and/or Björn Möller, 0707221465,

Click here to download a PDF version of The KTH Transport Challenge! (pdf 666 kB)