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MMK students wins competition

Published Nov 14, 2014

Venture Cup is the leading contest for those who want to develop their business idea into a successful business concept and start a business. Annually 1.8 million SEK is awarded to innovative business ideas and entrepreneurs with the aim of contributing to a sustainable Swedish growth.

The competition is divided into 4 regions (north, south, east and west) and furthermore into 2 parts: Pitch and Business Idea. In region east Hanna Eriksson, Felix Fahlander and Mattias Berglund won part Pitch with "Sam":

As if this was not enough, another MMK team were victorious in part Business Idea, category Life Science & Technology. The winners were Christian Beerman, Klas Englund and Elin Svensson. All the winners can be found in the master's programme Integrated Product Design, Product Innovation. MMK congratulates to a really good performance!