Publications by Anders Karlström
Peer reviewed
S. McCarthy et al., "A latent class dynamic discrete choice model for travel behaviour and scheduling," Travel Behaviour and Society, vol. 39, 2025.
S. McCarthy, A. Karlström and O. B. Västberg, "Activity duration dependent utility in a dynamic scheduling model," Transportmetrica B : Transport Dynamics, vol. 13, no. 1, 2025.
S. $$$McCarthy, A. $$$Karlström and O. $$$Blom Västberg, "Activity duration dependent utility in a dynamic scheduling model," Transportmetrica B : Transport Dynamics, vol. 13, no. 1, 2025.
S. McCarthy et al., "Modelling scenarios in planning for future employment growth in Stockholm," Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 120, 2024.
F. Naqavi et al., "Mobility constraints and accessibility to work: Application to Stockholm," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 175, pp. 103790-103790, 2023.
O. B. Västberg et al., "A Dynamic Discrete Choice Activity-Based Travel Demand Model," Transportation Science, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 21-41, 2020.
M. Zimmermann et al., "Capturing correlation with a mixed recursive logit model for activity-travel scheduling," Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, vol. 93, pp. 273-291, 2018.
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "On complexity and variability of individuals' discretionary activities," Transportation, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 177-204, 2018.
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Analysing the complexity of day-to-day individual activity-travel patterns using a multidimensional sequence alignment model : A case study in the Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia," Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 64, pp. 1-12, 2017.
E. Engström et al., "Applying spatial regression to evaluate risk factors for microbiological contamination of urban groundwater sources in Juba, South Sudan," Hydrogeology Journal, vol. 25, pp. 1077-1091, 2017.
C. Liu, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Jointly modelling individual's daily activity-travel time use and mode share by a nested multivariate Tobit model system," Transportmetrica A : Transport Science, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 491-518, 2017.
C. Liu, Y. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Weather variability and travel behaviour - what we know and what we do not know," Transport reviews, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 715-741, 2017.
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Day-to-day variability in travellers' activity-travel patterns in the Jakarta metropolitan area," Transportation, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 601-621, 2016.
L. Chengxi, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Estimating changes in transport CO2 emissions due to changes in weather and climate in Sweden," Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment, vol. 49, pp. 172-187, 2016.
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Relationships among discretionary activity duration, its travel time spent and activity space indices in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area, Indonesia," Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 54, pp. 148-160, 2016.
B. E. Dharmowijoyo et al., "Collecting a multi-dimensional three-weeks household time-use and activity diary in the Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 80, pp. 231-246, 2015.
C. Liu, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlstrom, "Investigating the impacts of weather variability on individual's daily activity-travel patterns : A comparison between commuters and non-commuters in Sweden," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 82, pp. 47-64, 2015.
C. Liu, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Measuring the impacts of weather variability on home-based trip chaining behaviour : a focus on spatial heterogeneity," Transportation, 2015.
C. Liu, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "The influence of weather characteristics variability on individual's travel mode choice in different seasons and regions in Sweden," Transport Policy, vol. 41, pp. 147-158, 2015.
K. Gospic et al., "Altruism costs-the cheap signal from amygdala," Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1325-1332, 2014.
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Day-to-day interpersonal and intrapersonal variability of individuals' activity spaces in a developing country," Environment and Planning, B : Planning and Design, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1063-1076, 2014.
C. Liu, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Examining the impact of weather variability on non-commuters' daily activity-travel patterns in different regions of Sweden," Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 39, pp. 36-48, 2014.
D. Jonsson et al., "Reconciling user benefit and time-geography-based individual accessibility measures," Environment and Planning, B : Planning and Design, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1031-1043, 2014.
M. Fosgerau, E. Frejinger and A. Karlström, "A link based network route choice model with unrestricted choice set," Transportation Research Part B : Methodological, vol. 56, pp. 70-80, 2013.
G. Isacsson, A. Karlström and J.-E. Swärdh, "The value of commuting time in an empirical on-the-job search model : An application based on moments from two samples," Applied Economics, vol. 45, no. 19, pp. 2827-2837, 2013.
I. Tikoudis, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "The effects of transport infrastructure on regional economic development : A simulated spatial overlapping generations model with heterogenous skill," Journal of Transport and Land Use, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 77-101, 2012.
Y. Zhao, K. Kockelman and A. Karlström, "Welfare calculations in discrete choice settings : an exploratory analysis of error term correlation with finite populations," Transport Policy, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 76-84, 2012.
A. Karlström, M. Palme and I. Svensson, "Assessing the welfare change from a pension reform," International Tax and Public Finance, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 634-657, 2011.
M. Fosgerau and A. Karlström, "The value of reliability," Transportation Research Part B : Methodological, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 38-49, 2010.
A. Karlström and J. Franklin, "Behavioral Adjustments and Equity Effects of Congestion Pricing : Analysis of morning commutes during the Stockholm Trial," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 283-296, 2009.
J. P. Franklin and A. Karlström, "Travel Time Reliability for Stockholm Roadways Modeling Mean Lateness Factor," Transportation Research Record, no. 2134, pp. 106-113, 2009.
A. Karlström, M. Palme and I. Svensson, "The employment effect of stricter rules for eligibility for DI: Evidence from a natural experiment in Sweden," Journal of Public Economics, vol. 92, no. 10-11, pp. 2071-2082, 2008.
J. K. Dagsvik and A. Karlström, "Compensating variation and Hicksian choice probabilities in random utility models that are nonlinear in income," The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 57-76, 2005.
U. Mörtberg and A. Karlström, "Predicting forest grouse distribution taking account of spatial autocorrelation," Journal for Nature Conservation, vol. 13, no. 2-3, pp. 147-159, 2005.
A. Karlström, M. Palme and I. Svensson, "A dynamic programming approach to model the retirement behaviour of blue-collar workers in Sweden," Journal of applied econometrics (Chichester, England), vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 795-807, 2004.
E. R. Morey, V. R. Sharma and A. Karlström, "A simple method of incorporating income effects into logit and nested-logit models : Theory and application," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 248-253, 2003.
V. Ceccato and A. Karlström, "A new information theoretical measure of global and local spatial association," The Review of Regional Research, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 13-40, 2002.
M. Ben-Akiva et al., "Hybrid choice models : Progress and challenges," Marketing letters, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 163-175, 2002.
S. Berglund and A. Karlström, "Identifying local spatial association in flow data," Journal of Geographical Systems, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 219-236, 1999.
Conference papers
J. Fredriksson and A. Karlström, "Analyzing non-linear contributions to predictive performance in a neural network based scheduling model," in Proceedings 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies Networks, ANT 2023 and The 6th International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0, EDI40 2023, 2023, pp. 680-685.
S. McCarthy and A. Karlström, "Linking mode with activity purpose in a dynamic scheduling model," in Proceedings 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies Networks, ANT 2023 and The 6th International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0, EDI40 2023, 2023, pp. 674-679.
M. Saleem, O. B. Västberg and A. Karlström, "An Activity Based Demand Model for Large Scale Simulations," in The 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2018) / The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT-2018) / Affiliated Workshops, 2018, pp. 920-925.
W. Zhang, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "Platoon coordination with time windows : An operational perspective," in 20th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2017, 4-6 September 2017, Budapest, Hungary, 2017, pp. 357-364.
L. Chengxi, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Jointly modelling individual’s daily activity-travel time use andmode share by a nested multivariate Tobit model system," in Transportation Research Procedia : 21st International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, 2015, pp. 71-89.
M. Fadaei, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "Consistently estimating link speed using sparse GPS data with measured errors," in Transportation : Can we do more with less resources? – 16th Meeting of the Euro Working Group on Transportation – Porto 2013, 2014, pp. 829-838.
Q. Wang, A. Karlström and M. Sundberg, "Scheduling choices under rank dependent utility maximization," in Transportation : Can we do more with less resources? – 16th Meeting of the Euro Working Group on Transportation – Porto 2013, 2014, pp. 301-310.
A. Glerum et al., "A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership and usage," in Proceedings of the 13th Swiss Transport Research Conference, 2013, pp. 1-13.
Q. Wang, A. Karlström and M. Sundberg, "Bias correction via Indirect Inference for Mixed Logit estimation under sampling of alternatives," in hEART 2013 - 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, September 4-6, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013.
C. Liu, Y. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Understanding of the sensitivity of weather on people’s mode choice decision : a case study in Sweden," in NECTAR 2013 International Conference; São Miguel Island, Azores (Portugal), 16-18 June 2013, 2013.
M. Fadaei, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "Estimating flexible route choice models using sparse data," in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2012 15th International IEEE Conference on, 2012, pp. 1215-1220.
Q. Wang, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "On the other half of the story : allowing for discrete penalties for excessive travel times in scheduling models," in CTS-DAG 2012, 2012.
Q. Wang, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "Scheduling choices under rank dependent utility maximization," in 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems (LATSIS); Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012 Presented at EWGT 16th Euro Working Group on Transportation, Porto, 2013. Submitted to EWGT2013 proceeding: Elsevier Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012.
D. Dharmowijoyo, Y. Susilo and A. Karlström, "The Day to Day Variability of Traveller's Activity Travel Pattern in The Jakarta Metropolitan Area," in TRB 93rd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2012.
D. Jonsson et al., "Tillgänglighet, tidsgeografi och aktiviteter," in Första nationella konferensen i Transportforskning 2012; Stockholm, Sverige, 18-19 oktober 2012, 2012.
D. Jonsson, A. Karlström and M. Fadaei, "User benefits & time-geography," in 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems (LATSIS 2012); Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-7 September 2012, 2012.
M. Fadaei, A. Karlström and M. Sundberg, "Using Sparse GPS Data to Estimate Route Choice Models with Correlated Path Costs," in Första nationella konferensen i Transportforskning; 18-19 oktober 2012, Stockholm., 2012.
M. Fosgerau, E. Frejinger and A. Karlström, "A dynamic discrete choice approach for consistent route choice model estimation," in Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference, 2011.
M. Fosgerau, E. Frejinger and A. Karlström, "Consistent route choice model estimation without choice set sampling : a dynamic discrete choice approach," in Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 2011.
K. Kreamer Fults, G. Isacsson and A. Karlström, "Gender differences in value of commuting time- evidence from a household model of subjective life satisfaction in Sweden," in Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, Research in Women's Travel Issues Conference, 2009.
A. Karlström et al., "Place, space syntax and attraction-accessibility," in Proceedings of the Seventh International Space Syntax Symposium, 2009.
M. Fosgerau, E. Frejinger and A. Karlström, "Route choice modeling without route choice," in Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 2009.
A. Karlström, M. Fosgerau and E. Frejinger, "Solving route choice models in a dynamic discrete choice framework," in Proceedings of the 13th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Italy, 2009.
Y. Zhao, K. Kockelman and A. Karlström, "Welfare Calculations in Discrete-Choice Settings : The Role of Error Term Correlation," in Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2008.
A. Karlström, J. Eliasson and A. Levander, "On the theoretical valuation of marginal business travel time savings," in Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 2007.
A. Ståhle, L. Marcus and A. Karlström, "Place Syntax : Geographic accessibility with axial lines in GIS," in Proceedings, Fifth international space syntax symposium, 2005, pp. 131-144.
A. Karlström and D. Jonsson, "Scapes : A Dynamic microeconomic model of activity scheduling," in European Transport Conference (ETC), 2005.
Non-peer reviewed
Conference papers
A. Karlström and M. Fosgerau, "Consistent estimation of route choice models with link specific random costs," in Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 2011.
A. Karlström, "How to consistently estimate flexible route choice models with plain MNL (and some OLS)," in 8th annual Road User Charging conference. Brussels, Belgium. 7th - 8th February 2011, 2011.
A. Karlström and M. Fosgerau, "Path choice models on static graphs with random edge costs," in International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC). Leeds, UK. 4 July - 6 July 2011, 2011.
A. Karlström, "Computational approaches to deal with the curse - applications from transport economics," in Conference on Dynamic Economic Decisionmaking. Copenhagen, Denmark. June 18-19 2010, 2010.
M. Fosgerau, E. Frejinger and A. Karlström, "Dynamically choosing routes : A dynamic discrete choice model using Krylov subspace methods and LU decomposition," in NECTAR cluster 1 meeting on Networks. Mons, Belgium. 10-11 December 2010, 2010.
A. Karlström, "Where is time in models of value of time? : An activity- and scheduling model approach," in NECTAR cluster 1 meeting on Networks From Statics to Dynamics: Recent Advances in Network Analysis and Modelling. Mons, Belgium. 10-11 December 2010, 2010.
A. Karlström, E. Frejinger and M. Fosgerau, "A dynamic discrete choice approach for consistent route choice model estimation," in EWGT2009, 13th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting. Padua, Italy. September 23-25, 2009.
A. Karlström, P. Waddell and D. Fox, "Scaling up the microeconomic dynamic discrete choice model of activity-based scheduling," in 2009 Proceedings European Transport Conference, 2009.
A. Karlström, "Traveller Responses to the Stockholm Congestion Pricing Trial : Who Changed, Where Did They Go, and What Did It Cost Them?," in Proceedings of the Kuhmo-Nectar Conference, 2009.
A. Karlström, "Value of time in a dynamic microeconomic framework : theory and example from Stockholm congestion charges," in Western Regional Science Meeting. Hawaii. February 17 – 20, 2008, 2008.
A. Karlström, A. Ståhle and L. Marcus, "Place Syntax : geographic accessibility with visibility in GIS," in 5th International Space Syntax Symposium, 2005.
A. Karlström, "Modelling the politics of spillovers : A game theoretical approach," in north american regional science meeting, 1994.
Chapters in books
A. Karlström, "Appraisal," in Handbook of Choice Modelling, Second Edition, : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, pp. 720-745.
J. P. Franklin, J. Eliasson and A. Karlström, "Traveller Responses to the Stockholm Congestion Pricing Trial: Who Changed, Where Did They Go, and What Did It Cost Them?," in Travel Demand Management and Road User Pricing : Success, Failure and Feasibility, : Taylor and Francis, 2016, pp. 215-238.
A. Karlström, "Appraisal," in Handbook of Choice Modelling, Stephane Hess and Andrew Daly Ed., : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014, pp. 601-626.
J. Franklin, J. Eliasson and A. Karlström, "Traveller Responses to the Stockholm Congestion Pricing Trial : Who Changed, Where Did They Go, and What Did It Cost Them?," in Travel Demand Management and Road User Pricing : Success, Failure and Feasibility, : Ashgate, 2009.
A. Karlström, "Four essays on spatial modelling and welfare analysis," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH, Trita-IP. FR, 99:49, 1999.
A. Karlström, M. Sundberg and M. Fadaei, "Estimating flexible route choice models using sparse data," CTS, 2012.
A. Karlström, M. Sundberg and J. Forsman, "Gain loss asymmetry and emotional salience drives hypothetical bias : A computational neuroeconomic study," , 2012.
I. Tikoudis and A. Karlström, "A sequential search approach to the dynamic determination of spatial reservation wages," , 2010.
M. Beser Hugosson et al., "Kan vi lita på trafikprognoser? – En kritisk granskning av några trafikmodeller," , 1996.
A. Karlström and V. Ceccato, "A new information theoretical measure of global and local spatial association," (Manuscript).
O. Blom Västberg et al., "A dynamic discrete choice activitybased travel demand model," (Manuscript).
A. Glerum et al., "A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership, usage and fuel type," (Manuscript).
O. Blom Västberg and A. Karlström, "A joint between-day and within-day activity based travel demand with forward looking individuals," (Manuscript).
S. McCarthy, F. Naqavi and A. Karlström, "A recursive logit model for dynamic trip chaining," (Manuscript).
H. Habibi, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "An empirical study of predicting car type choice in Sweden using cross-validation and feature-selection," (Manuscript).
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Analysing the complexity of day-to-day individuals’ activity-travel pattern using Multi-dimensional Sequence Alignment Method : A case study in Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia," (Manuscript).
I. Tikoudis and A. Karlström, "A sequential search approach to the dynamic determination of spatial reservation wages," (Manuscript).
Q. Wang, A. Karlström and M. Sundberg, "Bias correctionvia Indirect Inference for Mixed Logit estimation under sampling of alternatives," (Manuscript).
M. Zimmermann et al., "Capturing correlation with a mixed recursive logit model for activity-travel scheduling," (Manuscript).
O. Blom Västberg and A. Karlström, "Discount factors greater than or equal to one in infinite horizon dynamic discrete choice models," (Manuscript).
S. Habibi, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "Model combination for capturing the inconsistency in the aggregate prediction," (Manuscript).
S. McCarthy et al., "Modelling scenarios in planning for future employment growth in Stockholm," (Manuscript).
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "On complexity and variability of individuals’ day-to-day discretionary activities," (Manuscript).
S. Habibi, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "Prediction-driven approach to model selection using feature selection and nonrandom hold-out validation," (Manuscript).
I. Tikoudis, M. Sundberg and A. Karlström, "Public investment in simulated spatial overlapping generations model with heterogenous skill," (Manuscript).
F. Naqavi, S. McCarthy and A. Karlström, "Recursive logit as a dynamic trip chaining model," (Manuscript).
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Relationships among discretionary activity duration, travel time spent and activity space indices in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area, Indonesia," (Manuscript).
S. McCarthy and A. Karlström, "Value of travel time savings in a dynamic discrete choice scheduling model," (Manuscript).
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