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Lectures and talks

Lectures and talks

2023-05-25: Speaker (digital), Business Arena Syd on "Vilken politik behövs för att nå klimatmålen?", Malmö

2021-10-29: Moderator of Seminar in Bostad 2.0 about “Tekniska landvinningar inom bygg och fastighet” (Technological conquests in construction and real estate).

2021-10-26: Panel discussion about the financial sector’s role in climate change with WWF and Styrelseakademien (Webinar).

2021-10-19: Panel discussion about climate change and the financial sector, Öhman Fonder (Webinar)

2021-10-06: Lecture about economic policy and climate change, Senior University.

2021-10-01: Moderator of Seminar in Bostad 2.0 about “Hållbara lösningar: Energideklarationer - informations- och priseffekt” (Sustainable solutions: Energy Declarations: Information- and price effects).

2021-09-26: Lecture about the sustainability of the housing market, with Swedbank and Ekonomiska Museet (The Economy Museum).

2021-05-19: Lecture about climate policy in relation to water management, for Swedish Water (an organization owned by Swedish municipalities).

2021-04-28: Lecture about climate policy in relation to shipping, for Swedish Shipowners’ association.

2021-03-25: The Climate Policy Council’s report – presentation of findings and recommendations.

2021-01-22: Economic and financial drivers for climate action, key note speaker at seminar arranged by Formas.

2020-11-05: Johan Schück, Mikael Malmaeus, Mats Wilhelmsson and Cecilia Hermansson - Bostadsmarknad, tillväxt och hållbarhet (The housing market, growth and sustainability). ABE School “torsdagsseminarier”.