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Torsten Cegrell

Profile picture of Torsten Cegrell




About me

Since May 1  2012 Torsten Cegrell is a Professor Emeritus and is today active as a coach and as an advisor to the senior people at the department.

Bellow is a CV from 2009:

Professor Torsten Cegrell

Professor Torsten Cegrell was born in 1945 in Helsingborg, Sweden. He is married and has three children and six grandchildren.

He holds a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Lund Institute of Technology (Lund University), Sweden (1968) and a Ph.D. also in Electrical Engineering (Automatic Control) (1976). In 1977 he received an honorary docent position in Automatic Control from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. 

In 1968 he started to work for ASEA/ABB in Västerås, Sweden. He remained there until the autumn 1989 – for 22 years. During this period he has held several positions, beginning as a system engineer and eventually reaching a top management position reporting directly to the CEO. He was e.g. the chief architect of the highly successful SINDAC control system family (manager of the development department 1976 – 1980). He has in different roles participated in a large number of control systems (SCADA, EMS, DMS etc.) delivery projects around the globe. In 1984 ( - 1989) he was manager of business development and strategies concerning information and control systems for the whole power segment within ASEA/ABB.

In 1978 he was appointed as chair professor of a new department called Electronic Systems Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. He was then only 33 years old and the youngest professor at Chalmers. He built up and was the manager of a completely new activity at Chalmers. His department grew in a couple of years to an impressing size. The conducted research was in the area of IT based control systems for power system control and operation - emphasizing the system aspects. During the years at Chalmers, Torsten Cegrell shared his time between ASEA and Chalmers – two full time professions.

In 1989 he was appointed as chair professor of a new department called Industrial Information and Control Systems at KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He then left ASEA/ABB and started for the second time to build up a new academic department from scratch. He is currently leading a very active research group, at the moment more than 25 PhD candidates and 7 senior researchers (PhD’s, 2 professors and 3 associated professors). The research focuses on cost-effective information and control systems, specifically within the power industry, but also within the process, telecommunication, and manufacturing industries. The work considers the complete system management process, from conceptual planning through requirements engineering, architecture, design, implementation and testing to operations.

Torsten Cegrell has today been a professor for more than 31 years. During this time he has been the examiner for more than 500 master thesis and about 50 PhD candidates have fulfilled their graduation under his supervison/examination. His both departments have developed very well characterized with an extremely good economy and an outstanding cooperation with the Swedish industries.

Torsten Cegrell has authored numerous articles as journal- or conference papers within the areas of power system control, SCADA-systems, and IT-management. He is the author of some book chapters and two books, one called "POWER SYSTEM CONTROL - technology" (Prentice-Hall 1986), which actually is the first and so far the only comprehensive book describing the state-of-the-art in the entire power system control and operation field (reprinted 3 times). He has been invited key-note speaker more than 100 times at prestigious seminars and conferences around the globe. 

Professor Cegrell is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (since 1985) a Fellow of IEEE (since 1989 – for his contribution in power system control and operation), a personal member of CIGRE, and other organizations.

He has over the years been a member of the board in a significant number of organizations, among them some big Swedish companies. Today he is a member of the board in several Swedish companies working with IT for industrial applications – he is chairman in two. He acts frequently as a consultant and/or an advisor for the industry (mainly the power industry) all over the world.

Torsten Cegrell holds several patents of which the most famous is the so called “self-tuning regulator”. He is also the inventor to a robust adaptive routing procedure (1972), which in principle is the kernel of the communications in Internet-like applications.

In 2001 Cegrell was awarded the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) gold medal for his industrial and academic achievements within the area of Industrial IT.

Torsten Cegrell is the program director of the 5 week international training program "Power System Control and Operation" offered to top and middle management personnel who have affiliation with power utilities. The course is organized in Sweden and is run in cooperation between the department of Industrial Information and Control Systems, KTH, the Swedish power industry, mainly Vattenfall and Svenska Kraftnät, and ABB. The participants spend the first three weeks during the course at KTH (Industrial Information and Control Systems). The course has up to now been run 22 times (often once per year). More than 500 participants from about 75 countries have participated in the course. The course has turned out to be a huge success and is recognized, today, all over the world.

Bellow is another CV from 2012 just when Torsten Cegrell reteired, written for the so called RAE 2012:


Torsten Cegrell, Professor

Born: 1945

Department of Industrial Information and Control Systems School of Electrical Engineering Kungl Tekniska Högskolan SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden

Phone: +46 8 790 6821 Email:


1989 - Present  Professor, Department of Industrial Information and Control Systems

1989 - 2009  Head of the department of Industrial Information and Control Systems


1968 M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, LTH, Lund Sweden

1975 several academic courses, law, University of Stockholm

1982 several academic courses, economics and management (leadership), different universities

1976 Ph.D., Automatic Control, LTH/CTH

Thesis title: Application of adaptive control techniques in industrial environments Main supervisor: professor Karl-Johan Åström, LTH


Total number of full-time equivalent months spent on parental leave or in military service, etc. during the period covered by this CV: 12 military services (1967-1968)

1978 - 1989 Full professor and head of the department ("prefekt"), CTH, Electronic Systems Engineering

1984 - 1989 Vice president business development and strategies of industrial IT systems, ASEA/ABB, Västerås Sweden, reporting to the CEO

1980 - 1984 Manager, ASEA, Västerås Sweden, Development department at the Power system control division

1975 - 1980 Manager, ASEA, Västerås Sweden, Development department at the Electronics division

1969 - 1975 Systems engineer, ASEA, Västerås Sweden, Department of Computerized Control at the Electronics division

1968 - 1969 Trainee, ASEA, Västerås Sweden

  • Docent, 1977
  • Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), 1985
  • Fellow IEEE, 1989

See section "Other Information"


2001 The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) Gold Medal


See section "Other Information"

Total number of supervised diploma works and master's projects: 520 Total number of Postdocs supervised: 3 Total number of graduated doctoral students: 50


Resource funding as principal investigator, 2008 - 2011: see section "Other Information"


Started 2 companies (AB) which have developed very well. He is today the main owner (and chairman) of one of them.

Torsten Cegrell acts frequently as a consultant and/or an advisor for the industry (mainly the power industry), specifically to the CEOs all over the world. He has also been advisor for several governments around the globe in large IT system investments or in electrical power system investments.

  • Torsten Cegrell is the main contributor to the original versions of almost all courses given by the department. The course package is very well suited for working engineers in the industry in the management and in the industrial IT system fields. The course package is very much appreciated of the industry.
  • Torsten Cegrell has over the years been a member of the board in a significant number (about 30) of organizations, among them some big Swedish companies. Today he is a member of the board in several Swedish companies working with IT for industrial applications – he is chairman in two.
  • Torsten Cegrell has been extremely successful in getting external funding. Therefore the department has today the best economy of all departments at KTH and probably also of all academic departments in Sweden.
  • Torsten Cegrell has been invited key-note speaker much more than 100 times at prestigious seminars and conferences around the globe.
  • Professor Cegrell has during his all career worked in the industry and in the academia at the same time. He has then realized how important it is with a very deep and close collaboration with the industry to be really successful in the academic research as well as to give an adequate undergraduate education. To stimulate this type of cooperation professor Cegrell founded 2007 a prestigious KTH prize – a gold medal, which will be awarded every year to well-suited candidates in the academic or industrial world. The KTH gold medal illustrates the importance of KTH’s collaboration with Swedish industry. For this reason “INDUSTRISAMVERKAN” (INDUSTRY COOPERATION) is engraved into the medal. The prize was awarded for the first time 2008 and has since then been awarded every year. Professor Cegrell also arranged a founding 2007 of 15 MSEK to finance this prize.
  • Torsten Cegrell is the program director of the 5 week international training program "Power System Control and Operation" offered to top and middle management personnel who have affiliation with power utilities. The course is organized in Sweden and is run in cooperation between the department of Industrial Information and Control Systems, KTH, the Swedish power industry, mainly Vattenfall and Svenska Kraftnät, and ABB. The participants spend the first three weeks during the course at KTH (Industrial Information and Control Systems). The course has up to now been run 22 times (often once per year). More than 500 participants from about 75 countries have participated in the course. The course has turned out to be a huge success and is recognized, today, all over the world.

Total number of peer-reviewed publications: 140 since 1970

Total number of registered patents: 5

Publications 2004 – Present (As appears in DiVA)

Patents 2004 – Present (As appears in DiVA)




Profile picture of Torsten Cegrell