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Tara Lee Congo

Profilbild av Tara Lee Congo



Brinellvägen 8, 11428 Stockholm



Om mig

I completed both my undergraduate degree (Bachelor of Photonics and Nanoscience, Hons 1) and PhD (Adsorption of CO2 by coal and activated carbon: a study using in-situ small-angle X-ray scattering and sorption manometry) at Griffith University, Australia. My subsequent postdoc work at The University of Queensland focussed on the coal-to-coke transformation, with particular emphasis on evaluating potential biomass additives for a more environmentally sustainable coke product for steel-making applications.

Throughout my research career, I have primarily used the techniques of optical microscopy, rheometry, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and small-angle X-ray scattering to investigate the composition, thermoplastic properties, volatile release behaviour and pore structure of coals and biomass materials.

As a Research Engineer at KTH, I support research within the Hultgren Laboratory, focusing on the microstructural characterisation and mechanical behaviour of metallic materials.