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Daniel Franzen

Profile picture of Daniel Franzen





Researcher ID

About me

Researcher at the Division of Water and Environmental Engineering. I have a background in ecology (PhD-degree in Plant Ecology) and as a secondary school teacher in science and biology. Here at KTH (formerly at Div. of Industrial Ecology, now at SEED) I am responsible for some ecology-related courses at bachelor level (Ecology and Environmental effects) and at master level (Applied Ecology). I am also involved in several other courses within the sustainability field. 

My research in the field of industrial Ecology is dealing with nutrient metabolism in urban and rural areas, and sustainability aspects of utilising marine bioresources.  The main ongoing project is examining the potential of beachcast on Gotland as a marine bioresouce. Beachcast, the biomass of wrecked macroalgea and seagrass, is often decaying in large piles along the coasts and is seen as a severe problem. The project will evaluate the potential for using beachcast as a biofertiliser or as an alternative bioresource on Gotland. 

I am also interested in research related to biodiversity patterns and processes and how they relate to ecosystem functions and services.


Applied Ecology (AL2156), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Energy and Environment, First level (AL127X), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Technology and Sustainable Development, First Cycle (AL126X), course responsible | Course web

Ecology and Environmental Effects (MJ1508), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Natural Resources Theory (AL1301), teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Daniel Franzen