Publications by Ylva Fernaeus
Peer reviewed
B. Clark and Y. Fernaeus, "Playing with the elasticity of hybrid design education," IxD&A : Interaction Design and Architecture(s), no. 58, pp. 110-131, 2023.
J. Miniotaitė, V. Pakulytė and Y. Fernaeus, "Gentle Gestures of Control : On the Somatic Sensibilities of an IoT Remote App," Diseña, no. 20, pp. 1-16, 2022.
G. Roumen and Y. Fernaeus, "Envisioning Arduino Action : A collaborative tool for physical computing in educational settings," International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, vol. 29, 2021.
Y. Fernaeus and A. Lundström, "Practicing Design Judgement through Intention-Focused Course Curricula," Design and Technology Education : An International Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 47-58, 2015.
V. Tsaknaki, Y. Fernaeus and M. Jonsson, "Precious Materials of Interaction : Exploring Interactive Accessories as Jewellery Items," Nordes, no. 6, 2015.
Y. Fernaeus, J. Tholander and M. Jonsson, "Beyond representations : Towards an action-centric perspective on tangible interaction," International Journal of Arts and Technology, vol. 1, no. 3/4, pp. 249-267, 2008.
M. Jacobsson, Y. Fernaeus and L. E. Holmquist, "GlowBots : Designing and Implementing Engaging Human-Robot Interaction," Journal of Physical Agents, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 51-60, 2008.
M. Jonsson, J. Tholander and Y. Fernaeus, "Setting the stage : Embodied and spatial dimensions in emerging programming practices," Interacting with computers, vol. 21, pp. 117-124, 2008.
Y. Fernaeus and J. Tholander, "Designing for programming as joint performances among groups of children," Interacting with computers, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 1012-1031, 2006.
Conference papers
Y. Fernaeus and A. Lindegren, "Celebration of Finitude as a Post-Industrial Aesthetics of Interaction," in Ninth Computing within Limits 2023, 2023.
A. Lundström and Y. Fernaeus, "Making Crank-Powered Interactions : Methods, Demonstrators, Materials," in DIS '22 : Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 2022.
M. A. Baytaş, A. Cappellaro and Y. Fernaeus, "Stakeholders and Value in the NFT Ecosystem : Towards a Multi-disciplinary Understanding of the NFT Phenomenon," in Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2022.
A. Lundström, S. Ghebremikael and Y. Fernaeus, "Co-watching 360-Films in Nursing Homes," in Human-Computer Interaction, Interact 2021, PT I, 2021, pp. 502-521.
J. Miniotaitė, V. Pakulytė and Y. Fernaeus, "JoyTilt : Between Autonomy and Control of a Robot Vacuum Cleaner," in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021.
K. Helms and Y. Fernaeus, "Troubling Care: Four Orientations for Wickedness in Design," in ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2021), 2021, pp. 789-801.
A. Lundström et al., "Crafting Crank-Powered Interactions," in Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, 2020.
M. Gaissmaier et al., "Designing for Workplace Safety : Exploring Interactive Textiles as Personal Alert Systems," in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2020, pp. 53-65.
C. M. Bogdan et al., "Programming for Moving Bodies," in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020.
O. Viberg et al., "Reducing Free Riding : CLASS–A System for Collaborative Learning Assessment," in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 9th International Conference, Workshops, 2019, pp. 132-138.
A. Lundström and Y. Fernaeus, "The disappearing computer science in healthcare VR applications," in Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019, HTTF 2019, Nottingham, UK, November 19-20, 2019., 2019.
K. Helms and Y. Fernaeus, "Humor in Design Fiction to Suspend Disbelief and Belief," in NordiCHI '18 Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2018, pp. 801-818.
V. Tsaknaki et al., "Articulating challenges of hybrid crafting for the case of interactive silversmith practice," in DIS 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 2017, pp. 1187-1200.
V. Tsaknaki and Y. Fernaeus, "On the Surface of Things : Experiential Properties of the Use of Craft Materials on Interactive Artefacts," in Alive. Active. Adaptive : International Conference on Experiential Knowledge and Emerging Materials, EKSIG 2017, TU Delft Open, 2017, pp. 314-326.
M. Bergsmark and Y. Fernaeus, "From patchwork to appliqué : Reflections from an interaction design remake," in TEI 2016 - Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 2016, pp. 236-244.
V. Tsaknaki et al., "Things Fall Apart : Unpacking the Temporalities of Impermanence for HCI," in PROCEEDINGS OF THE NORDICHI '16 : THE 9TH NORDIC CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION - GAME CHANGING DESIGN, 2016.
V. Tsaknaki and Y. Fernaeus, "Expanding on Wabi-Sabi as a Design Resource in HCI," in 34TH ANNUAL CHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS, CHI 2016, 2015, pp. 5970-5983.
A. Vallgårda and Y. Fernaeus, "Interaction Design as a Bricolage Practice," in Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2015, pp. 173-180.
Y. Fernaeus and A. Vallgårda, "Ajna: negotiating forms in the making of a musical cabinet," in DIS '14 Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 2014, pp. 915-924.
Y. Fernaeus et al., "Handcrafting electronic accessories using 'raw' materials," in TEI '14 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 2014, pp. 369-372.
Y. Fernaeus and A. Lundström, "Intention-Centred Design Education : Beyond Methods and Techniques," in Proceedings of DRS 2014 : Design's Big Debates, 2014, pp. 1157-1167.
V. Tsaknaki, Y. Fernaeus and M. Schaub, "Leather as a material for crafting interactive and physical artifacts," in Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques, DIS, 2014, pp. 5-14.
K. Huber, M. Salmani and Y. Fernaeus, "The making of the teleglove : Crafting interactions for basic phone use in the cold," in TEI '14 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 2014, pp. 241-244.
M. Jacobsson et al., "Crafting against robotic fakelore : on the critical practice of artbot artists," in Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2013, pp. 2019-2028.
O. Juhlin et al., "Fashionable shape switching : Explorations in outfit-centric design," in Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013, pp. 1353-1362.
Y. Fernaeus et al., "Fashion as inspirational source for the design of sustainable mobile interactions," in Re-conceptualizing fashion in sustainable HCI, DIS'12, 2012.
Y. Fernaeus, A. Girouard and S. Jordà, "Introduction," in 6th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, TEI 2012, 2012, pp. 13-14.
M. Jacobsson, Y. Fernaeus and S. Nylander, "Mobile ActDresses : Programming mobile devices by accessorizing," in Conf Hum Fact Comput Syst Proc, 2012, pp. 1071-1074.
Y. Fernaeus, M. Jonsson and J. Tholander, "Revisiting the Jacquard Loom: Threads of History and Current Patterns in HCI," in Proceeding CHI '12 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2012, pp. 1593-1602.
Y. Fernaeus and P. Sundström, "The material move: how materials matter in interaction design research," in Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference, DIS'12, 2012, pp. 486-495.
Y. Fernaeus et al., "Touch and feel soft hardware," in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, TEI 2012, 2012, pp. 359-362.
Y. Fernaeus et al., "How do you play with a robotic toy animal? : A long-term study of Pleo," in IDC '10 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 2010, pp. 39-48.
M. Jacobsson, Y. Fernaeus and R. Tieben, "The Look, the Feel and the Action : Making Sets of ActDresses for Robotic Movement," in DIS 2010 - Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2010, 2010, pp. 132-140.
Y. Fernaeus et al., "Are We Living in a Robot Cargo Cult?," in HRI '09 Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human robot interaction, 2009.
Y. Fernaeus and M. Jacobsson, "Comics, Robots, Fashion and Programming : outlining the concept of actDresses," in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, TEI'09, 2009, pp. 3-8.
Y. Fernaeus, "Human action and experience as basis for the design and study of robotic artefacts," in RO-MAN 2009 : THE 18TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ROBOT AND HUMAN INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION, 2009, pp. 522-527.
Y. Fernaeus et al., "Where third wave HCI meets HRI : a report from a workshop on user-centred design of robots," in Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI'09, 2009, pp. 293-294.
P. Jarkievich, M. Frankhammar and Y. Fernaeus, "In the hands of children : Exploring the use of mobile phone functionality in casual play settings," in Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services, 2008, pp. 375-378.
Y. Fernaeus, J. Tholander and M. Jonsson, "Towards a new set of ideals : Consequences of the practice turn in tangible interaction," in TEI'08 - Second International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction - Conference Proceedings, 2008, pp. 223-230.
Y. Fernaeus and J. Tholander, "Patcher : A Tangible Game for Making Ecological Simulations in Museum Settings," in Tangible Play Workshop, 2007, pp. 25-28.
Y. Fernaeus and J. Tholander, "Finding Design Qualities in a Tangible programming space," in CHI '06 Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, 2006, pp. 447-456.
J. Tholander and Y. Fernaeus, "Multimodal Interaction in Children’s Programming with Tangible Artefacts," in ICLS '06 Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Learning sciences, 2006, pp. 771-777.
Y. Fernaeus, M. Kindborg and R. Scholz, "Rethinking children’s programming with contextual signs," in Proceeding of the 2006 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, IDC '06, 2006, pp. 121-128.
Y. Fernaeus and J. Tholander, ""Looking At the Computer but Doing It on Land" : Children’s Interactions in a Tangible Programming Space," in People and Computers XIX : The Bigger Picture, 2005, pp. 3-18.
Y. Fernaeus, C. Aderklou and J. Tholander, "Computational Literacy at Work : Children’s interaction with computational media," in Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, 2004, pp. 181-188.
Chapters in books
Y. Fernaeus, K. Höök and A. Ståhl, "Designing for Joyful Movement," in Funology 2 : From Usability to Enjoyment, Mark Blythe and Andrew Monk Ed., : Springer, 2018, pp. 193-207.
Non-peer reviewed
Conference papers
Y. Fernaeus et al., "Foreword," in TEI 2018 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2018.
Y. Fernaeus and U. West, "Disturbing, Fragile, Inexorable : Human-Robot Interactions from a Perspective of Artistic Practice," in What Do Collaborations with the Arts Have to Say About Human-Robot Interaction? : Papers from the 2010 HRI Workshop, 2010, pp. 1-7.
Y. Fernaeus et al., "Please Enjoy! A workshop on playful experiences with mobile technology," in , 2010.
Y. Fernaeus et al., "Different perspectives on ethics in the design of robotic artefacts," in Workshop Socially Accepted Robots at HRI'09 International Conference on Human Robot Interaction La Jolla, CA, USA — March 09 - 13, 2009, 2009.
Chapters in books
Y. Fernaeus, "How do you design for the joy of movement?," in Plei-Plei!, Fernaeus, Y., Holopainen, J., Höök, K., Ivarsson, K., Karlsson, A., Lindley, S., & Norlin, C. Ed., Stockholm : PPP Company Ltd, 2012, pp. 8-15.
Y. Fernaeus, "Let's Make a Digital Patchwork : Designing for Children’s Creative Play with Programming Materials," Doctoral thesis : Stockholm University, 2007.
J. Forsslund, E.-L. Sallnäs Pysander and Y. Fernaeus, "Designing the Experience of Visuohaptic Carving," (Manuscript).
J. Forsslund, E.-L. Sallnäs Pysander and Y. Fernaeus, "Designing the Kobra Oral Surgery SimulatorUsing a Practice-Based Understanding of Educational Contexts," (Manuscript).
A. Lundström, Y. Fernaeus and K. Höök, "Exergy, Anergy, and Intergy : Uncovering Energy in Interaction," (Manuscript).
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