Frida Lindberg
Design of Ergonomic Products (CH203V), teacher, course responsible | Course web
Design of Ergonomic Workplaces (CH206V), teacher, course responsible | Course web
Methods for development of sustainable work (CH107V), course responsible | Course web
Physical Risk Management (CH208V), teacher, course responsible | Course web
RAMP Course 1: Assessment of Work-Related Injury Risks using RAMP I (CH209V), teacher | Course web
RAMP Course 2: Management of Work-Related Injury Risks using RAMP II (CH210V), teacher | Course web
RAMP Course 3: Proficiency in using RAMP for Risk Management of Work-Related Injuries (CH211V), teacher | Course web
Radiation Physics and Biology (HL2003), course responsible | Course web
Radiation Therapy (HL2013), course responsible | Course web
Scientific Methods in Work Environment and Health (CH205V), course responsible | Course web
Visual ergonomics – risk assessment and development (CH212V), teacher, assistant | Course web