Massimo Girondi
About me
I'm a doctoral student within the Network Systems Lab, supervised by Professors Dejan Kostic and Marco Chiesa.
My main research topic is about high speed network infrastructures and services, exploiting recent and programmable hardware, and GPUs in particular.
Before joining NSLAB, I got a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science by the University of Trento and a Master Degree in Internet Technology and Architecture within the EIT Digital Master School program.
Beside my research, I am actively involved with EECS school IT working-group, and with the deployment of resources for undergraduate teaching in AI and ML courses on the school infrastructure, including a NVIDIA DGX-H100. I represents SCS division's and EECS PhD council's interests within this working group.
I am part of EECS PhD council and, as such, also student representative in the ICT Doctoral Program.
I'm also part of THR, the KTH amator radio club, as station manager. Visit us!
Communication System Design (IK2200), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Information and Communication Technology, First Cycle (II143X), assistant | Course web
Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) (IK2220), teacher | Course web
Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) (FIK3619), teacher | Course web