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Publications by Katja Tollmar Grillner

Peer reviewed


M. Schalk et al., "Fatale : Critical Studies in Architecture," Nordic - Journal of Architecture, vol. 2, pp. 90-97, 2012.
K. Grillner, "Arkitekturen i litteraturen : Att figurera (i sommarparadisets) arkitektur," Arkitektur : byggnad, interiör, plan, landskap, no. 4, pp. 36-41, 2008.
K. Grillner, "The Picturesque : Architecture, disgust and other irregularities," Journal of Architecture, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 669-673, 2008.
K. Grillner and R. Hughes, "Room within a view - a conversation on writing and architecture," OASE, vol. 70, pp. 56-69, 2006.
K. Grillner, "In the corner of perception : Spatial experience in distraction," arq Architecture research quarterly, vol. 9, pp. 245-254, 2005.
K. Grillner, "The Textual Artefact in Research by Architectural Design," Working Papers in Art & Design, vol. 3, 2004.
K. Grillner and L.-H. Ståhl, "Developing Practice-based Research in Architecture and Design," Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, no. 1, 2003.
K. Grillner, "Writing and Landscape – Setting Scenes for Critical Reflection," Journal of Architecture, vol. 8, no. 2, 2003.
K. Grillner, "Arkitekturforskningens landskap – Landscapes of Architectural Research," Nordic Journal of Achitectural Research, no. 4, 2002.
K. Grillner, "Architecture and the dilemma of identity : a study of the ’weak subject’ in Marcel Proust," The interpretation of culture and the culture of interpretation / editors: Eva Hemmungs Wirtén and Erik Peurell, vol. S. [63]-86, 1997.
K. Grillner, "Att drömma om regnbågens slut och horisontens faktiska vara.," Arkitektur, vol. 1996:2, s. 49-51 : ill., 1996.

Conference papers

A.-K. Högfeldt et al., "Pedagogisk meritering på KTH - Samarbete, excellens och utbildningsinnovation," in Bidrag från 7:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, 2019, pp. 76-81.

Chapters in books

K. Grillner, "At the Western Side a Dead-end Park-slot : On 'Situated Knowledges and the Science Question' in Architecture and Design," in Rethinking the Social in Architecture : Making Effects, Sten Gromark Jennifer Mack, Roemer van Toorn Ed., 1st ed. Barcelona : ACTAR, 2018, pp. 190-211.
H. Frichot, K. Grillner and J. Preston, "Feminist Practices : Writing around the kitchen table," in Feminist Futures of Spatial Practice : Materialisms Activisms Dialogues Pedagogies Projections, Meike Schalk, Thérése Kristiansson, Ramia Maz´ Ed., 1st ed. Baunach : AADR - Art Architecture Design Research, Spurbuch Verlag, 2017, pp. 171-198.
K. Grillner, "A Performative mode of writing place : Out and about the Rosenlund Park, Stockholm, 2008–2010," in Emergent Writing Methodologies in Feminist Studies, Mona Livholts Ed., : Taylor & Francis, 2012, pp. 133-147.
K. Grillner, "Housing the Swedish Summer (Utopia in Reverse?)," in Nonsite to Celebration Park : essays on art and the politics of space, Edward Whittaker, Alex Landrum Ed., : Bath Spa University, 2008.
K. Grillner, "Nature’s lovers : Design and Authorship in the 18th century landscape garden," in Architecture and authorship, Tim Anstey, Katja Grillner, Rolf Hughes Ed., London : Black Dog Publishing, 2007.
K. Grillner, "Experience as imagined : Writing the Landscape garden," in Experiencing the Garden in the 18th Century, Ed. M.L. Calder Ed., Bern : Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2006.

Non-peer reviewed


B. Burroughs et al., "Between Delft and Stockholm," Footprint, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 119-128, 2017.
K. Grillner, "Urban space at Arlanda," Upsala Nya Tidning, 2006.
K. Grillner, "Cities and films," Dagens Nyheter, 2003.
K. Grillner, "Lewerentz," Dagens Nyheter, 2002.

Conference papers

K. Grillner et al., "Incompatible Modalities Salon," in Whirlwinds session at the Sexuate Subjects Conference, University College London, Dec 3rd 2010, 2010.
K. Grillner, "Feminism as Architecture," in Stock-taking: Critical Positions. Swedish Museum of Architecture and KTH. September 8th 2010, 2010.
K. Grillner, "Shifting Place Perceptions : Performative Modes of Site Writing," in Writing Architecture Symposium. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 22 July - 23 July 2010, 2010.
K. Grillner, "Writing Place : An Architectural Technique?," in EAAE - Teaching Architecture Theory Network. Fribourgh. Oct 16th, 2009, 2009.
K. Grillner, "Where are we now? : Situated Practices in Reflexive Academic Writing," in First international symposium for Reflexive Academic Writing, Östersund, Oct 23rd 2008, 2008.


T. Anstey, K. Grillner and R. Hughes, Architecture and Authorship. London : Black Dog Publishing, 2007.
K. Grillner, Handbok för framtidens arkitektur. Göteborg : White arkitekter, 2001.
K. Grillner, Reflective depth on the surface of reality : thesis project. Stockholm : Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architectur, 1995.

Chapters in books

K. Grillner, "Design research and critical transformations : Situating thought, projecting action," in Design Research in Architecture: An Overview, : Taylor and Francis, 2021, pp. 71-94.
K. Grillner and S. Vall, "Samtal om ’28 rum’ : En katalog över nutida Slussens rumsliga potential," in Röster från Slussen, Adam Bergholm Ed., Stockholm : A5 Press, 2010, pp. 104-119.
K. Grillner and R. Hughes, "Den kritiska texten i arkitektur-, konst- och arkitekturforskning," in Årsbok KFoU 2009 Konst och forskningspolitik, : Vetenskapsrådet, 2009.
K. Grillner, "Fluttering butterflies, a dusty road, and a muddy stone : Criticality in distraction," in Critical Architecture, Jane Rendell, Jonathan Hill, Murray Fraser, Mark Dorrian Ed., 1st ed. London : Routledge, 2007, pp. 135-142.
K. Grillner, "Kritik och förströelse (vi befinner oss i Hagaparken, Stockholm)," in Varje dags arkitektur, Ed. Christina Engfors Ed., Stockholm : Arkitekturmuseet, 2005, pp. 38-56.
K. Grillner, "När arkitektur är arkitektur är arkitektur konst," in Det transparenta huset : Om glas och ljus i konst och arkitektur ..., Tomas Lauri Ed., Stockholm : Statens konstråd, 2001.
K. Grillner, "Shifting Place Perceptions : Performative Modes of Site-Writing," in Writing Architecture : Innovations in the textual and visual Criique of Buildings, Naomi Stead Ed., : Brisbane Institute for Modern Art.


K. Grillner, "Ramble, linger and gaze," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH, Trita-ARK. Akademisk avhandling, 00:1, 2000.


C. Gullström, "Rapport över genomförda rektorsuppdrag ‘KTH Art-Design-Science’," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2012.


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