Ingalill Söderberg
Researcher, Head of department
About me
Inga-Lill Söderberg has a PhD in Business Studies. She is currently working as a researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden. Her main research interest concerns professional human relationships with a focus on the interface between buyers and sellers in the financial system. This involves research on relationship marketing, consumer financial literacy and risk perception, advisor training, as well as on risk and product communication from financial advisors and the institutions involved. Her research also concerns relationships between different stakeholders in real estate, with a main focus on housing issues. She is also involved in a research project concearning school children (ages 10-18) and financial capability focusing on developing tools for enabling techers to work more efficiently regarding the suject of personal finance.
Among the journals she has published in are Journal of Financial Services Marketing, International Journal of Bank Marketing; Journal of Socio-Economics; and International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis as well as Journal of Cleaner Production and a Swedish peer reviewed journal for didactics and pedagogy: Forskning om undervisning och lärande.
Inga-Lill Söderberg is also Head of the Department for Real Estate and Construction Management at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment.
Degree Project in Building and Real Estate Economics, Second Cycle (AI206X), teacher | Course web
Qualitative Research Methods in Scientific Dissertations (FAI3021), course responsible | Course web
Theory of Science and Research Methods (AI2150), course responsible | Course web