James Gross
Om mig
James Gross is a professor with theElectrical Engineering and Computer Science School of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm since November 2012. From 2016 - 2019 he was the director of theACCESS Linnaeus Centre , while he is currently Associate Director of KTH's new Digital Futures center. He also is a member of the board of KTH’sInnovative Centre for Embedded Systems. His research interests are broadly in the area of mobile systems & networks, with a focus on critical machine-to-machine communications, cellular networks, resource allocation as well as performance evaluation methods (in particular stochastic network calculus as well as network simulation). Prior to joining KTH, he was assistant professor and head of the Mobile Network Performance Group at RWTH Aachen University from 2008 – 2012 as well as a member of the DFG-funded UMIC research centre of RWTH. James studied at TU Berlin and UC San Diego, and received his PhD from TU Berlin in 2006.
James has published about 100 (peer-reviewed) papers in international journals and conferences. His work has been awarded multiple times, among them the best paper awards at ACM MSWiM 2015, the best demo paper award at IEEE WoWMoM 2015, the best paper award at IEEE WoWMoM 2009 and the best paper award at European Wireless 2009. In 2007, James was the recipient of the ITG/KuVS dissertation award for his PhD thesis.
James’ work has been funded by various different agencies and projects, among them national science foundation in Germany and Sweden, the ICT TNG SRA in Stockholm, the Linnaeus ACCESS centre, the DFG-funded UMIC centre in Aachen, the ministry of science in Germany as well as direct support by various different companies. Apart from publications, his work has had impact on wireless networking standards and lead to various patents.
Keywords: Ultra-reliable low latency communications, edge computing, network calculus, age-of-information, wireless networking, cyber-physical networks, machine-to-machine communications
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