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Johann Packendorff

Profile picture of Johann Packendorff


About me

Johann Packendorff is Professor of Industrial Economics and Management with specialization in Industrial Project Management. His research interests include leadership, entrepreneurship, organisational change and project management, often studied from perspectives such as gender, identity construction and social constructionism. His work has been published in, e.g., Human Relations, Journal of Management Studies, Organization, International Journal of Project Management, Project Management Journal and Scandinavian Journal of Management. He is a member of five editorial boards and has been visiting scholar at universities in France, UK, Russia and China. In 2017 he received the international research prize PMI Research Achivement Award for his contributions to Project Management research and practice.

Johann holds a PhD in Business Administration from Umeå School of Business (USBE) and has since joining KTH in 2001 led several externally funded research projects within his areas of interest, been director of the doctoral program in Industrial Economics and Management, and also been responsible for advanced courses in industrial project management, operations management and organization. He is a co-arranger of the international research conference series Making Projects Critical and has been a member of the Scientific Forum at Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and the faculty board of Marie Cederschiöld University. He is an appointed member of the Swedish Project Academy where he is chairperson of the national graduate thesis award, and a steering group member in the Swedish Research Network on Trust-based Management.

Since 2019, Johann is program director for Partners-in-Learning, KTH's central career support and leadership development program for assistant professors employed in the tenure track system. He is an adjunct member of the standing university Future Faculty team.


Degree Project in Industrial Economics and Management, Second Cycle (ME200X), teacher | Course web

Industrial Project Management (ME1306), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Organization and Knowledge-Intensive Work (ME1010), examiner, teacher, course responsible | Course web

Organizational Analysis and Professional Roles (ME2084), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Project in Sustainable Development (CB1010), teacher | Course web