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Johnny Panrike

Profile picture of Johnny Panrike




About me

MSc in math and computer science. My teaching in math has included analysis in one and several variables, applied linear analysis, introductory algebra and combinatorics, introductory linear algebra, discrete mathematics with cryptography. I have written a book in discrete math and cryptography. My teaching in computer science has included introductory programming in C, system programming in C, object-oriented programming in C++, Java, Windowsprogramming in C/C++. I have also been a supervisor in various project courses and thesis work. Some of the courses have involved installation, configuration and maintenance of software such as complete operating systems or specific applications.

I am particularly fond of the use of virtual machines in my teachin because this in principle eliminates all the hassle with installation of application software on student computers.

My weak spots are statistics and networking.

I have sometimes taken time off from my teaching and trained myself as a breathwork therapist (in Denmark), radically different pedagogy for children (in India). I have also been instrumental in some projects for  development cooperation and intercultural understanding where development cooperation was done in Sri Lanka in the Non-Governmental Orginazation Sarvodaya which relies on Gandhian ideals.

In recent years my interest for mathematics has been revived and I am currently interested in measure, integration theory and functional analysis. I have helped a friend to write some of his proofs in some of his articles in this subject and I am currently enrolled in Advanced Real Analysis I at KTH/SU.


Discrete mathematics (CM1000), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Profile picture of Johnny Panrike