Judit Pérez-Coll Jiménez
Doctoral student
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolanhttps://www.kth.se/profile/juditpcj
About me
I am a PhD student since January 2022 in the division of Space and Plasma Physics. I am working with rocket data, specifically from the SPIDER-2 sounding rocket, which was launched from Esrange in 2020 into Pulsating Aurora.
I did my bachelor in Catalonia, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), which is around 45 minutes away from my hometown. After graduating, I was working for one year in a company in Barcelona, and then I travelled to Norway and started my master's in Space Physics at the SPPG, in the University of Bergen (UiB), which i finished in 2021.
In my spare time, I like travelling, playing board games, doing puzzles and drawing.