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Publications by Karin Edvardsson Björnberg

Peer reviewed


H. G. Abebe, M.-Å. Belin and K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Equity and Social Justice considerations in road safety work: The case of Vision Zero in New York City," Transport Policy, vol. 149, pp. 11-20, 2024.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg and M. Karlsson, "Faithful Stewards of God's Creation? : Swedish Evangelical Denominations and Climate Change," Religions, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 465, 2022.
P. Sandin, C. Munthe and K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Technology Neutrality in European Regulation of GMOs," Ethics, Policy & Environment, pp. 1-17, 2021.
M. Karlsson and K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Ethics and biodiversity offsetting," Conservation Biology, 2020.
D. Eriksson et al., "Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs : Post-authorization and Beyond," Trends in Biotechnology, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 465-467, 2020.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "What, If Anything, Is Wrong with Offsetting Nature?," Theoria, vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 749-768, 2020.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, H. Röcklinsberg and P. Sandin, "‘Cornwallism’ and Arguments against Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions," Environmental Values, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 691-711, 2020.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg et al., "Consistent risk regulation? Differences in the European regulation of food crops," Journal of Risk Research, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 1561-1570, 2019.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg et al., "Climate and environmental science denial : A review of the scientific literature published in 1990-2015," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 167, pp. 229-241, 2017.
C. Zetterberg and K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Time for a New EU Regulatory Framework for GM Crops?," Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 325-347, 2017.
S. O. Hansson, K. Edvardsson Björnberg and J. Cantwell, "Self-Defeating Goals," Dialectica, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 491-512, 2016.
S. O. Hansson et al., "Time horizons and discount rates in Swedish environmental policy : Who decides and on what grounds?," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 76, pp. 55-66, 2016.
P. Baard and K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Cautious Utopias : Environmental goal-setting with long time frames," Ethics, Policy & Environment, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 187-201, 2015.
K. E. Björnberg, "Historic Injustices and the Moral Case for Cultural Repatriation," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 461-474, 2015.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, I.-B. Skogh and E. Strömberg, "Integrating social sustainability in engineering education at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology," International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 639-649, 2015.
S. O. Hansson, K. Edvardsson Björnberg and M. Vredin Johansson, "Making climate policy efficient : Implementing a model for environmental policy efficiency," International Journal of Sustainable Society, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-21, 2015.
K. Fischer et al., "Social Impacts of GM Crops in Agriculture : A Systematic Literature Review," Sustainability, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 8598-8620, 2015.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg and S. O. Hansson, "Gendering local climate adaptation," Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 217-232, 2013.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Rational climate mitigation goals," Energy Policy, vol. 56, pp. 285-292, 2013.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg and S. O. Hansson, "Five areas of value judgement in local adaptation to climate change," Local Government Studies, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 671-687, 2012.
P. Baard et al., "Scenarios and sustainability : tools for alleviating the gap between municipal means and responsibilities in adaptation planning," Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, vol. 17, no. 6-7, pp. 641-662, 2012.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Rational Goals for the Urban Environment : A Swedish Example," European Planning Studies, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 1007-1027, 2009.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "What Relations Can Hold among Goals, and Why Does It Matter?," Critica-Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofia, vol. 41, no. 121, pp. 47-66, 2009.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Utopian Goals : Four Objections and a Cautious Defence," Philosophy in the Contemporary World, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 139-154, 2008.
K. Edvardsson, "Setting Rational Environmental Goals : Five Swedish Environmental Quality Objectives," Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 297-316, 2007.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg and S. O. Hansson, "When Is a Goal Rational?," Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 343-361, 2005.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Using Goals in Environmental Management : The Swedish System of Environmental Objectives," Environmental Management, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 170-180, 2004.

Conference papers

K. Edvardsson Björnberg and C. Zetterberg, "12. What are the prospects for using the ‘opt-out mechanism’ of Directive (EU) 2015/412 based on ethical or religious grounds?," in Sustainable governance and management of food systems : Ethical perspectives, 2019, pp. 95-100.
P. Sandin, C. Munthe and K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Technology neutrality and regulation of agricultural biotechnology," in Professionals in Food Chains : Ethics, rules and responsibility, 2018, pp. 223-228.
E. Eriksson et al., "Sustainable development for ICT engineering students : “What’s in it for me”?," in EESD2016 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (Bruges, 4-7 September 2016) – Building a circular economy together, 2016, pp. 165-172.
E. Ekener et al., "Teaching Social Sustainability in an Engineering Context," in The proceedings of EESD2016, 2016, pp. 204-211.
Å. Svenfelt and K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Goal conflicts in adaptation to climate change," in Moving Toward a Sustainable Future : Opportunities and challenges, 2011, pp. 238-239.
K. Edvardsson, "Rational environmental goals and sustainable planning : Urban Regeneration and Sustainability," in Sustainable City IV : Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, 2006, pp. 477-486.

Chapters in books

H. G. Abebe, S. O. Hansson and K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Arguments against Vision Zero: A Literature Review," in The Vision Zero Handbook : Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy, Edvardsson Björnberg, K., Belin, M-Å., Tingvall, C., Hansson, S. O. Ed., 1st ed. Switzerland : Springer Nature, 2022, pp. 107-149.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Setting and Revising Goals," in Log. Argum. Reason., : Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2016, pp. 171-188.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Rational goals in engineering design : The Venice dams," in Norms in Technology, MJ de Vries, SO Hansson, AWM Meijers Ed., Dordrecht : Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2013, pp. 83-99.
U. Gunnarsson-Östling, K. Edvardsson Björnberg and G. Finnveden, "Using the concept of sustainability to work : Interpretations in academia, policy, and planning," in Sustainable Stockholm : Exploring Urban Sustainability in Europe's Greenest City, Jonathan Metzger, Amy Rader Olsson Ed., : Taylor & Francis, 2013, pp. 51-70.

Non-peer reviewed


D. Eriksson et al., "Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs : Scope and Definitions," Trends in Biotechnology, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 231-234, 2020.
D. Eriksson et al., "Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs : Risk Governance," Trends in Biotechnology, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 349-351, 2020.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Klimatförändringar och kön : sitter vi alla i samma båt?," Miljötidningen, no. 3, 2013.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Ethics and Public Policy : A Philosophical Inquiry," Theoria, vol. 78, no. 3, pp. 261-267, 2012.
G. Finnveden, K. Edvardsson Björnber and J. Sundqvist, "KTH-toppar attackerar miljömålsarbetet : ”Långsamt och otillräckligt”," Miljöaktuellt, no. 1, pp. 7-7, 2012.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, G. Finnveden and J. Sundqvist, "KTH-toppar attackerar miljömålarbetet – ”Långsamt och otillräckligt”," Miljöaktuellt, 2011.

Conference papers

K. Edvardsson Björnberg, I.-B. Skogh and E. Strömberg, "Integrating social sustainability into the engineering curriculum at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) : A pilot study," in EESD 2013 Engineering Education for Sustainable Development; Cambridge, U.K., 22-25 September, 2013, 2013.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Environmental policy for sustainable cities : The Swedish environmental quality objective ‘A good built environment’," in 12th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Hong Kong, China. 6–8 April, 2006, 2006.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Rational goals and sustainable development : An example from the Swedish system of environmental objectives," in Science for sustainable development : starting points and critical reflections, 2006, pp. 97-104.


Chapters in books

K. Edvardsson Björnberg et al., "Preface," in The Vision Zero Handbook : Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy, : Springer Nature, 2022.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Vision zero and other road safety targets," in The Vision Zero Handbook : Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy, : Springer Nature, 2022, pp. 3-29.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg et al., "The Role of Biotechnology in Sustainable Agriculture : Views and Perceptions Among Key Actors in the Swedish Food Supply Chain," in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Supply: Scientific, Economic, and Policy Enhancements, : Apple Academic Press, 2016, pp. 315-336.
U. Gunnarsson-Östling, K. Edvardsson Björnberg and G. Finnveden, "Using The Concept Of Sustainability : Interpretations In Academia, Policy, And Planning," in Sustainable Stockholm : Exploring Urban Sustainability in Europe's Greenest City, : Taylor and Francis, 2013, pp. 51-70.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Fyller miljömålen sitt syfte?," in Vägar till ett effektivt miljöarbete, Edvardsson, K. and S. O. Hansson Ed., Umeå : Borea Bokförlag, 2006.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg and S. O. Hansson, "Förord," in Vägar till ett effektivt miljöarbete, Karin Edvardsson & Sven Ove Hansson Ed., Umeå : Boréa Bokförlag, 2006.
S. O. Hansson et al., "Policycykeln : En modell för beslutsprocesser i miljöfrågor," in Vägar till ett effektivt miljöarbete, Karin Edvardsson och Sven Ove Hansson Ed., : Boréa Bokförlag, 2006.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Bör vi sätta utopiska mål?," in Filosofins nya möten, Edvardsson, K., Hansson, S. O. and J. Nihlén Fahlqvist Ed., Hedemora : Gidlunds förlag, 2005, pp. 211-219.
K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Rational environmental goals and sustainable planning," in The Sustainable City IV: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Mander, U., Brebbia, C. A. and E. Tiezzi Ed., Southampton, Boston : WIT Press, 2005.


K. Edvardsson Björnberg, "Rational Goal-Setting in Environmental Policy : Foundations and Applications," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH, Theses in philosophy from the Royal Institute of Technology, 29, 2008.
K. Edvardsson, "How to Set Rational Environmental Goals : theory and applications," Licentiate thesis Stockholm : KTH, Theses in philosophy from the Royal Institute of Technology, 2006.


"Vägar till ett effektivt miljöarbete," Umeå, Boréa Bokförlag, 2006.
"Filosofins nya möten," Hedemora, Gidlund, 2005.
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