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Amirreza Khataee

Profilbild av Amirreza Khataee

Universitetslektor, bitr



Om mig

Welcome to my profile!

I'm a big fan of green energy storage and production via electrochemical devices. With a chemical engineering background and a strong interest in electrochemistry, I am currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Division of Applied Electrochemistry. My research is mainly focused on energy storage using redox flow batteries and producing green hydrogen via water electrolysis.

The world's dynamic energy infrastructure has been experiencing substantial development toward renewable sources (solar and wind sources). Due to the intermittent nature of these renewable sources, balancing power production and demand is essential for ensuring reliable and efficient grid operation. Here, stationary batteries play a crucial role, but today's battery storage uptake lags significantly behind wind and solar deployment. Lithium-ion batteries, the current market leader, are hardly fit for stationary applications due to lithium criticality, high upscaling and maintenance costs, and safety issues. As a promising solution for long-duration and stationary energy storage, my PhD thesis was on redox flow battery (RFB) systems, where I investigated their sustainability. Since that time, I have been doing research on RFBs with a mission to develop a fully sustainable system.

In the group, we investigate the application of sustainable membranes, electrodes, and redox active materials for different types of RFBs such as all-Vanadium, Hydrogen-Manganese and organic-based. I am currently the main supervisor of a PhD student and the advisor of a postdoctoral researcher. Also, I am a co-supervisor of a PhD student.

Besides my RFB activities, I am also involved in water electrolysis projects, where the mission is to develop neutral electrolysis systems using anion exchange membranes to produce green hydrogen. I am a co-supervisor of two PhD students in this field.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about collaboration.


Batterier (CK2300), lärare, kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Batterier (CK206V), kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

Examensarbete inom kemiteknik, avancerad nivå (KE200X), examinator | Kurswebb

Experimentell processdesign (KE2195), lärare | Kurswebb

Processdesign för industri och samhälle (KE2325), lärare | Kurswebb

Projekt i kemiteknik (KE2910), examinator | Kurswebb

Projekt i kemiteknik (KE2905), examinator | Kurswebb

Projekt i kemiteknik (KE2920), examinator | Kurswebb

Tillämpad elektrokemi (KE2110), lärare | Kurswebb

Tillämpad elektrokemi (CK205V), lärare | Kurswebb